Last year, I directed the Federal Interagency Council on the Homeless to forge a single, coordinated plan to break the cycle of homelessness and prevent future homelessness.
Today the Interagency Council released their report, which recognizes the magnitude of the problem of homelessness for the first time and proposes a comprehensive, innovative approach, the continuum of care, to move millions of Americans off our streets and back into our communities and our families. The 17-member agency, under the leadership of the Secretaries of HUD, HHS, and VA, and with the unprecedented consultation of thousands of people across the country, deserves credit for a thorough and honest examination of this complex problem.
"Priority Home: The Federal Plan to Break the Cycle of Homelessness" is part of a larger strategy of health care reform and welfare reform which will give every American the opportunity to break the cycle of dependence, become self-sufficient, and work towards a better life for themselves and their families.
NOTE: The report was made available by the Office of the Press Secretary. An additional release of May 18 announced that the President proposed funding increases for homeless programs in cities across the country, and a State-by-State breakdown of dollar amounts was also made available.
William J. Clinton, Statement on the Report of the Federal Interagency Council on the Homeless Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project