Bill Clinton photo

Statement on the Resignation of Deval Patrick as Assistant Attorney General for Civil Rights

November 14, 1996

It was with regret that I accepted today the resignation of Deval Patrick, Assistant Attorney General for Civil Rights at the Department of Justice, who has decided to return to private life. Throughout his tenure, Deval was one of my closest and most trusted advisers in the area of civil rights. He brought to his job a love of his country and an unflagging commitment to equal opportunity for all Americans.

The country will miss his able service, but we can all be proud of the many accomplishments he leaves behind, including his work at the forefront of my administration's effort to reform affirmative action programs in Federal procurement. Deval took to heart my admonition to mend affirmative action, not end it. The intelligence and sensitivity he brought to this difficult job has paid off with solid results.

Another hallmark of his tenure was his stewardship of the interagency task force created to investigate the rash of fires threatening our Nation's places of worship. Deval was instrumental in leading the fight to protect these institutions and to bring perpetrators of the burnings to justice.

I will always appreciate the sacrifice Deval's wife, Diane, and their children made so that Deval could provide this service to his country.

William J. Clinton, Statement on the Resignation of Deval Patrick as Assistant Attorney General for Civil Rights Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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