Bill Clinton photo

Statement on the Resignation of Joycelyn Elders as Surgeon General

December 09, 1994

Dr. Joycelyn Elders is a physician of outstanding ability, energy, and commitment. As a pediatrician, she dedicated her life to improving the health of children. As Surgeon General, she worked tirelessly to reduce teen pregnancy and AIDS and to improve the health of all Americans, especially our children.

Dr. Elders' public statements reflecting differences with administration policy and my own convictions have made it necessary for her to tender her resignation.

Those statements in no way diminish her devotion to her work and the enormous positive impact she has had on the problems she tackled and the people she served.

I will always be grateful for her service.

William J. Clinton, Statement on the Resignation of Joycelyn Elders as Surgeon General Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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