Photo of Tom Steyer

Statement by Tom Steyer on the Trump Decision to Increase Pumping of San Joaquin Delta

October 23, 2019

(LOS ANGELES, October 23, 2019) — Today, Democratic presidential candidate Tom Steyer released the following statement following the Trump administration's decision to pump more water from the San Joaquin Delta in the Central Valley:

"The new rule is nothing more than empty pandering. The Trump administration's own reporting showed the disastrous effects of this policy on the environment. When it didn't show the result he wanted, Trump replaced experts with yes-men. This is Trump's corruption falsifying science which will have a strong negative effect on endangered species and the fishing industry in this state. I call on Governor Newsom to stand up to the Trump administration and protect California's environment and small businesses."

Tom Steyer, Statement by Tom Steyer on the Trump Decision to Increase Pumping of San Joaquin Delta Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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