Joe Biden

Statement by Vice President Joe Biden on President Donald Trump's Attacks on Dr. Anthony Fauci

October 19, 2020

Coronavirus infections are spiking across the country, but President Trump decided to attack Dr. Fauci again today as a ‘disaster' and call public health experts ‘idiots' instead of laying out a plan to beat this virus or heeding their advice about how we can save lives and get our economy moving again. President Trump even criticized me yesterday for listening to the scientists — that's not an attack, that's a badge of honor.

Waving a white flag and saying "it is what it is" is unacceptable when thousands of American lives are being taken each week, when businesses are closing and schools remain shuttered. The American people have never backed down from a challenge, but they need a leader to show the way and all President Trump has done is cower and wallow in self-pity.

Mr. President, you're right about one thing: the American people are tired. They're tired of your lies about this virus. They're tired of watching more Americans die and more people lose their jobs because you refuse to take this pandemic seriously. Now, more than ever, we need a leader to bring us together, put a plan in place, and beat this virus — but you have proven yourself yet again to be incapable of doing that.

Joseph R. Biden, Jr., Statement by Vice President Joe Biden on President Donald Trump's Attacks on Dr. Anthony Fauci Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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