Joe Biden

Statement by Vice President Joe Biden on President Trump's Visit to Florida

September 08, 2020

With more than 11,000 deaths, 600,000 cases, and 3.6 million workers across the state who have filed for unemployment benefits since March, it is clear that Floridians have been hurt by President Trump's inability to contain the spread of COVID-19. But what we won't hear from Donald Trump when he visits Florida today is a plan to overcome this pandemic or a strategy to put Floridians back to work.

When it comes to the coronavirus, it's no surprise that President Trump has refused to listen to the experts and the scientists – just look at his environmental record. Trump has called the climate crisis a "hoax." He has eliminated rules designed to keep our air and water clean. And, dangerously, he has opened up additional public lands, both on land and offshore, to the possibility of new oil and gas drilling, a deeply unpopular threat to Florida's natural environment and tourism-based economy. I'll promise you this: As President, I will work with experts to fight COVID-19, make historic investments to create millions of clean energy jobs, and get our economy back on track so it works for all Americans, not just Trump's Mar-a-Lago crowd.

Joseph R. Biden, Statement by Vice President Joe Biden on President Trump's Visit to Florida Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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