Joe Biden

Statement by Vice President Joe Biden on President Trump's Visit to New Hampshire

August 28, 2020

Today, Donald Trump is bringing his message of division, lies, and chaos to New Hampshire, while Granite Staters suffer because of the president's failure to lead when our nation needed it most. Trump's mismanagement of the coronavirus pandemic has resulted in 430 New Hampshire lives lost, hundreds of shuttered small businesses, and thousands of people out of work across the Granite State. To make matters worse, this president is trying to rip away critical lifelines that Granite Staters need more than ever – access to quality health care through the Affordable Care Act, essential preventive care services from providers like Planned Parenthood, and Social Security benefits that hundreds of thousands of New Hampshire seniors rely on.

Granite State families deserve a president who will heal and unite our nation, and make sure New Hampshire communities recover from this crisis stronger than they were before. As President, I will restore the decency and leadership to the White House that has been eroded under the current administration and provide all Granite Staters the dignity and respect that they deserve.

Joseph R. Biden, Statement by Vice President Joe Biden on President Trump's Visit to New Hampshire Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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