Photo of Tom Steyer

Steyer Campaign Press Release - Steyer Gets Third Qualifying Poll for Next DNC Debate

August 08, 2019

(SAN FRANCISCO, August 8, 2019) Today, Monmouth University released its most recent polling for Iowa, that shows Tom Steyer at 3% in the crucial first state. The results put him in the top tier of candidates and one step closer to qualifying for the September DNC Debate in Houston, TX. Steyer is now polling in Iowa above a number of candidates who have been in the race much longer.

"Almost exactly one month since announcing his candidacy, Tom Steyer is now well on his way to qualifying for the third Democratic Presidential Candidate Debate stage in Houston. Steyer has been getting his message of taking back our democracy to voters all over the nation, and this poll shows voters in Iowa are starting to hear that message and agree with him," said campaign manager Heather Hargreaves.

Tom Steyer will be traveling to Iowa this weekend to meet with voters and attend a number of community events.

Tom Steyer, Steyer Campaign Press Release - Steyer Gets Third Qualifying Poll for Next DNC Debate Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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