Photo of Tom Steyer

Steyer Campaign Press Release - Steyer Showing Strength with Diverse Coalition in Early States

January 29, 2020

TO: Interested Parties
FROM: HIT Strategies
DATE: January 29, 2020


Since his late entry into the Democratic primary, Tom Steyer has emerged from the crowded field and surged from a long-shot outsider to a leading contender in the early primary states. As the Democratic primary electorate learns more about his record, we have seen likely Democratic primary voters in South Carolina and caucus-goers in Nevada increase their familiarity with him (88 percent Name ID in SC, 87 percent in NV), their favorability of him (54.0 rating out of 100 in SC and 54.4 in NV), and their likelihood to consider supporting him as the Democratic nominee (50 percent in SC and 54 percent in NV say they have at least a chance of supporting Steyer even if they do not at this time).

Despite Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders' nearly universal name recognition among likely Democratic primary voters and caucus-goers in South Carolina and Nevada, neither has been able to garner majority support from an electorate that is clearly open to alternatives. According to internal polling conducted by HIT Strategies, only 54 percent of likely voters in South Carolina and Nevada are very certain that they will vote for their chosen Democratic candidate for president, leaving the field wide open with less than four weeks to go until the Nevada caucus.

This latest internal poll shows Tom in second place in South Carolina with 15 percent of the vote and statistically tied for third place in Nevada with 14 percent. Tom's momentum is particularly strong amongst voters of color with 17 percent of Black voters and 11 percent of Latinx voters in Nevada and South Carolina supporting him.

Tom's compelling message – highlighting years of work advancing the priorities of communities of color – contrast him to the rhetoric and deferred promises of other candidates. The same poll shows Pete Buttigeig struggling to gain support amongst Black voters with 3 percent, and Joe Biden trailing amongst Latinx voters with 8 percent support in South Carolina and Nevada. Steyer's strength amongst voters of color demonstrates his ability to assemble the diverse coalition required to win a general election.

After reading, hearing, or seeing more information about Tom Steyer over the last few months, 62 percent of likely voters in Nevada and South Carolina say they are more likely to support his candidacy for president. Unlike the nearly universal name ID of other candidates, Tom's 88 percent name-ID represents an opportunity in the final stretch to increase his support amongst Democrats that have not been fully introduced to him and continue the momentum that polls have observed since he entered this race.

The latest internal poll is validated by independent public polling, including the most recent Morning Consult Early State Tracker showing Tom in third place with 17% support in an average of Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada and South Carolina voters. Earlier in January, a Fox News Poll showed Tom in second place in South Carolina with 15% support and tied for third place in Nevada with 12% support.

Tom Steyer, Steyer Campaign Press Release - Steyer Showing Strength with Diverse Coalition in Early States Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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