Photo of James M. Cox

Telegram Accepting the Democratic Presidential Nomination

July 06, 1920

Hon. Joseph T. Robinson, Chairman,
Democratic Convention, San Francisco, Cal.:

Let me thank you for your felicitous message. I shall accept the standard, from the Democracy of America, conscious not only of the honor but the great responsibility conferred.

As Providence gives to me strength and vision, my firm resolve will be to justify the confidence which has been officially expressed.

The shrine of government is in the communities of the land near to the homes that have given service and sacrifice. To them we will carry our cause with the assurance that the faith shall be kept and that the institutions of a free people are always sufficient to the needs of time, if they are held to the causes which we pledged.

Please convey to the delegates of the convention my grateful acknowledgments.


Source: The New York Times.

James M. Cox, Telegram Accepting the Democratic Presidential Nomination Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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