Telegram to Leading Citizens Concerning the Need for a Voluntary Food Conservation Program.
[ Released February 27, 1946. Dated February 26, 1946 ]
I AM SURE you are familiar with the acute need for foodstuffs in the war-torn countries of Europe and Asia. Our national self-respect and our duties as human beings demands that we do all possible to stop the spread of famine. I have directed the agencies of Government to do everything possible to this end. But Government alone is not enough. We cannot meet this situation without an aggressive voluntary program on the part of private citizens to reduce food consumption in this country. I am asking you and a very few other public spirited citizens to meet in the East Wing of the White House at three o'clock, Friday afternoon, March first, to work out means for supporting such a voluntary program. Ex-President Hoover has accepted my invitation and will be there. I count on your support.
Note: This is the text of identical telegrams addressed to the following citizens: Sheldon Clark, Vice President, Sinclair Oil Corp.; Justin Miller, President, National Association of Broadcasters; Clarence Francis, Chairman of the Board, General Foods Corp.; Dr. George H. Gallup, Director, American Institute of Public Opinion; Henry R. Luce, Editor Time and Life magazines; James W. Young, Chairman, Advertising Council, Inc.; Dr. William I. Myers, Cornell University; Chester C. Davis, Washington, D.C.; Eugene Meyer, Publisher of the Washington Post; Anna Lord Strauss, President, National League of Women Voters; Mrs. Emily G. Dickinson, President, General Federation Women's Clubs; Eric Johnston, President, U.S. Chamber of Commerce.
Harry S Truman, Telegram to Leading Citizens Concerning the Need for a Voluntary Food Conservation Program. Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/232532