Telegram Welcoming President Castillo-Armas of Guatemala Upon His Arrival in Washington.
His Excellency
Colonel Carlos Castillo-Armas
President of the Republic of Guatemala
Though my illness prevents my being in Washington to greet you, let me assure you of a most sincere welcome on behalf of the people of the United States.
I hope that your sojourn in this country will be most enjoyable and that you will have the opportunity during your visit to various parts of the United States to obtain vivid impressions of life and activities here. There will be many manifestations, I am sure, of the warm friendship that exists between our peoples.
Mrs. Eisenhower and I are indeed sorry that we cannot be in Washington today to receive you and Senora de Castillo-Armas. We sincerely hope that you both will have many pleasant memories of your visit to our country.
Note: This telegram, dated October 31, Denver, Colo., was presented by the Vice President to President Castillo-Armas upon his arrival in Washington.
Dwight D. Eisenhower, Telegram Welcoming President Castillo-Armas of Guatemala Upon His Arrival in Washington. Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project