Text of a Toast at a Working Luncheon in Bonn Hosted by Chancellor Schmidt of the Federal Republic of Germany
Mr. Chancellor:
Thank you for your very kind remarks. Mrs. Ford and I are delighted to visit Bonn as the first stop on this trip to Europe.
I am very pleased to have had the opportunity this morning to meet with you again for a review of the bilateral and international issues of current importance to the Federal Republic and the United States.
As a result of our several meetings during 1974 and 1975, I have come to value not only our personal friendship but also your views on the great issues confronting our countries--including those of economics and finance. These continuing consultations are of fundamental importance to our efforts, as friends and allies, to achieve a more peaceful and prosperous world for people everywhere.
Mr. Chancellor, on July 30, we will meet again in Helsinki for the third stage of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe. During this trip, I will also meet with leaders of some of the countries of Eastern Europe. This itinerary is a sign of our times. It symbolizes the resolve of both East and West to lessen the danger of hostilities, to increase contacts, and to work toward greater cooperation. These are times in which the Federal Republic of Germany has played a leading role. I would like to pay tribute to that role and to the creative leadership of the Federal Republic for the last 25 years.
I raise my glass to Chancellor Schmidt, to the Federal Republic of Germany, and to the friendship between the German and American peoples.
Note: The text of the President's toast at the luncheon, which was held at the Palais Schaumburg, was released at Bonn, Federal Republic of Germany.
Gerald R. Ford, Text of a Toast at a Working Luncheon in Bonn Hosted by Chancellor Schmidt of the Federal Republic of Germany Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/256439