CHRISTMAS is a time for hope. It is also a season for renewed inspiration from Christ's universal message of peace on earth, good will toward men.
To the men and women of the Armed Forces and to their families, Mrs. Johnson and I send our warmest wishes for the blessings of the Christmas heritage.
Many of you are serving the cause of freedom far from your homes and families.
Among other freedoms, you are safeguarding the right of worship. Our prayers, the invocations of free men, are constantly with you.
Your courage and dedication have earned our deepest gratitude and pride.
As we enter the New Year, we shall reaffirm our determination to secure a world at peace. And we shall hold fast to our faith in the brotherhood of men, everywhere on earth.
Note: The President's message was not made public in the form of a White House press release. As printed above, the message follows the text made available by the White House Press Office.
Lyndon B. Johnson, The President's Christmas Message to the Men and Women of the Armed Forces. Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project