THE PRESIDENT. There is nothing new aside from the appointment of Sam Thompson as a member of the Federal Farm Board. This is the most excitement Washington has had. I have no news further than this. Nothing that you could term new. You can ask verbal questions this time, if you wish.
Q. How about the telephone call from your son ?
THE PRESIDENT. It has not worked today. He was trying to get it through on the set he made.
Q. Are you going to do any fishing off the boat ?
THE PRESIDENT. I would like to, but I don't believe I can go fishing. It seems very inapropos to catch small fish with a large boat.
Q. Is there any chance of staying longer in the Virgin Islands, or carrying the trip any further?
THE PRESIDENT. No, I do not think so. I want to stick close to American soil.
Q. What will be your program in Porto Rico?
THE PRESIDENT. I have not given a great deal of attention to this, I shall probably give a 10 or 15 minute speech at some point.
Q. Have you considered giving a speech?
THE PRESIDENT. This is going to be merely a response of greetings. There will be no expression of policy. I want to see something of the government and visualize the sentiment of the people.
Q. Is Governor [Theodore] Roosevelt to meet you? [See APP Note.]
THE PRESIDENT. Yes, at Ponce. He will meet us at Ponce.
Q. What is the program at the Virgin Islands ?
THE PRESIDENT. I haven't any at all. You could shake hands with the whole population of the Virgin Islands in 4 hours. These are days to sleep and I do not think that anyone expects you to send many news dispatches.
Q. Do you expect to renew your exercises ?
THE PRESIDENT. It all depends how everyone feels. There are no rules about this voyage. If there is anyone who feels like it I shall have preparations made for it. I think 3 days sleep would do us all good. I am taking it all out mostly in sleep.
Note: President Hoover's one hundred and eighty-first news conference was held on board U.S.S. Arizona, en route from Norfolk, Va., to Ponce, P.R., at 2 p.m. on Friday, March 20, 1931.
APP Note: The original published version of the Public Papers included the bracketed reference to [Theodore] Roosevelt. This is a clear error because Theodore Roosevelt died in 1919. The questioner referred to Franklin.
Herbert Hoover, The President's News Conference Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project