THE PRESIDENT. There isn't very much today. I have a question asked as to what the results of our economy arrangements were. They are only partially completed. The July 1 estimate of Federal expenditures was $4,202,754,000. The October 1 estimate is $4,134,855,000, being a reduction of $67,888,000. There are some other cuts under consideration.
And I have a question on the South American air service. That service is cleared up. The contracts are now let on both coasts so that we now have a line down the east coast going through Rio as far as Buenos Aires, and a line from Santiago--or rather to put it the other way, from Miami, through Central America, and down the west coast as far as Santiago. The west coast is twice a week, and the east coast line once a week, so that we now have a complete service on both coasts operating regularly.
That is all I have got in my mind.
Note: President Hoover's one hundred and forty-fourth news conference was held in the White House at 4 p.m. on Friday, October 3, 1930.
Herbert Hoover, The President's News Conference Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project