Thompson Campaign Press Release - In Case You Missed It...Thompson Strongest Candidate in Arizona According to Latest Rasmussen Polls
Excerpts from Rasmussen Reports
September 4, 2007
"Arizona is the home state for John McCain, but Fred Thompson is the strongest GOP Presidential candidate in the state at this time.
"A Rasmussen Reports telephone survey found that Thompson leads Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton by seventeen percentage points, 51% to 34%. Thompson will be formally announcing his candidacy this week.
"Rudy Giuliani, who leads the polls for the Republican Presidential nomination, leads Clinton by eleven points, 49% to 38%. McCain has a ten-point edge over Clinton, 46% to 36%. With McCain as the GOP candidate, 15% of Arizona voters say they'd select a third party option. Mitt Romney is the weakest of the GOP candidates in Arizona but still leads Clinton by seven points, 46% to 39%.
"For question wording and responses, click here .
"In Arizona, Thompson is viewed favorably by 58% , Giuliani by 57%, Romney by 49%, and Clinton by 41%."
To View Complete Article, Please Visit: http://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/politics/
Fred Thompson, Thompson Campaign Press Release - In Case You Missed It...Thompson Strongest Candidate in Arizona According to Latest Rasmussen Polls Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/295347