Pool Reports by Nikki Schwab, Daily Mail
Sent: | Reports: |
April 29, 2021 11:31 |
Travel Pool Report No. 1 - background info on today's trip Good morning from Joint Base Andrews - I'll be your print pooler for today's trip to Georgia. The White House sends along background info on today's trip, greeters and staff on board AF1. Apologies if the formatting is wacky. It's 79 degrees here and sunny as we await Marine One. Upon arrival at Joint Base Andrews, the President and the First Lady will be greeted by:
Staff traveling with the President and the First Lady to Georgia:
BACKGROUND MEMORANDUM TO: Out-of-Town Travel Pool FROM: White House Press Office DATE: April 29, 2021 RE: Background for the President's Visit to Georgia Impact of the American Rescue Plan in Georgia In total, Georgia received the following American Rescue Plan (ARP) funds:
The Need for the American Jobs Plan in Georgia Georgia's infrastructure received a C+ grade on its Infrastructure Report Card. The American Jobs Plan (AJP) will make historic investments in our nation's infrastructure:
The Need for the American Families Plan: The AFP will directly invest in Georgians to strengthen our schools, expand access to good paying jobs, and support our workers to once again build a middle-class that carries our nation forward.
Federal Support for Georgia Vaccinations Pharmacies: As of April 27, through the federal program, the Biden-Harris Administration has made vaccines available in nearly 1,200 pharmacies to date, with over 600 receiving deliveries in the past week. Participating retail pharmacies are primarily Walgreens, Kroger, CVS, and Walmart locations. Community Health Centers: The Biden-Harris Administration has invited all 35 health centers in Georgia to receive direct vaccine allocations, spanning 26 cities. Combined, the centers have sites at over 250 different care delivery locations across the state. As of April 27, 16,970 doses have been delivered to Community Health Centers in Georgia through the federal vaccinations program. Federal Funding: As of April 26, the Biden-Harris Administration has provided over $116 million to the state to support vaccination operations. There are 9 community vaccination centers operational in the state, including one FEMA pilot CVC at the Mercedes-Benz Stadium in Atlanta. 270 federal personnel are currently deployed to the state to support vaccination efforts, in addition to more than 1,000 federally-funded National Guard members supporting the state's COVID-19 response. |
April 29, 2021 11:40 |
Travel Pool Report No. 2 - JBA departure Marine One landed at 11:32 a.m. The president and first lady disembarked Marine One at 11:36 a.m. Dr. Biden is wearing a baby blue lemon dress and yellow heels. Pool shouted questions about last night's speech, his visit with the Carters and GOP support for his plans. We received waves from the president and then one from FLOTUS as they walked up the stairs. They entered AF1 at 11:38 a.m. The gaggle with deputy press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre will be livestreamed, but I'll send along quotes if I hear there were any tech snafus. We'll be wheels up shortly. |
April 29, 2021 13:32 |
Travel Pool Report No. 3 - Lawson Army Airfield arrival Air Force One was wheels up at 11:48 a.m. We landed at Lawson Army Airfield at 1:17 p.m. The president and first lady disembarked AF1 at 1:27 p.m., holding hands as they walked down the stairs. Biden saluted and FLOTUS gave a wave and then chatted with the greeters (names below). Everyone is wearing masks. Biden rubbed the shoulder of one of the officers. He and FLOTUS walked with their companions to Marine One. FLOTUS boarded the chopper at 1:30 p.m., with the president joining her a moment later. Your pooler understands that the gaggle livestream worked, but if you have any questions, please direct them my way. We're heading to the ospreys, propellers up soon. Here are the greeters from the White House: Upon arrival at Lawson Army Airfield, the President and the First Lady will be greeted by:
April 29, 2021 14:01 |
Travel Pool Report No. 4 - arrival at Jimmy Carter Regional Airport Your pool lifted off at 1:36 p.m. and wasn't able to catch a glimpse of Marine One's departure. Marine One landed at Jimmy Carter Regional Airport at 1:55 p.m. Pool wasn't in shouting distance of POTUS. The president and FLOTUS walked off Marine One at 2 p.m. and got into the Beast. We're now motorcading to the Carter residence. |
April 29, 2021 14:32 |
Travel Pool Report No. 5 - arrival at the Carters' residence The motorcade pulled out of Jimmy Carter Regional Airport at 2:01 p.m. Clusters of people were out with their phones along the motorcade route, especially outside of South Georgia Technical College. One woman waved a white Trump-Pence yard sign as the motorcade passed. A more robust crowd, some with Biden-Harris signs, watched the motorcade go by in downtown Plains. There's a big sign that says "Plains, Georgia - Home of Jimmy Carter our 39th President" draped over a prominent storefront once you enter town. At 2:30 p.m. the motorcade pulled into the grounds of the Carters' house. We're holding and did not see the Bidens enter. Pool has been told the plan is to have us watch the Bidens depart from the get-together. |
April 29, 2021 15:22 |
Travel Pool Report No. 6 - Rosalynn Carter sighting Pool had a clear view of Rosalynn Carter, using a walker and in a white top, on the front porch. Jimmy Carter doesn't seem to be with her. The Bidens walked out at 3:17 p.m. They stood talking in front of the Beast for a few minutes as pool rushed back to the van. I tweeted a photo of the Beast in front of the Carter residence @NikkiSchwab More TK |
April 29, 2021 15:53 |
Travel Pool Report No. 7 - back to Jimmy Carter Regional The motorcade pulled out at 3:23 p.m. We returned to the Jimmy Carter airport at 3:49 p.m. The president and first lady got out of Beast at 3:50 p.m. and walked onto Marine One a moment later, at 3:52 p.m. We're loading into the Ospreys. |
April 29, 2021 16:56 |
Travel Pool Report No. 8 - arrival at Gwinnett County Airport Your pool lifted off at 3:57 p.m. and didn't have eyes on Marine One. Marine One touched down at Gwinnett County airport at 4:47 p.m. The White House says: Upon arrival at Gwinnett County Airport, the President and the First Lady will be greeted by Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms. Pool was loaded into the van to watch Marine One's landing. At 4:52 p.m. the Bidens disembarked Marine One, according to co-pooler Eli Stokols, who has better visuals than your pooler on his side of the van. At 4:55 p.m. we were rolling. |
April 29, 2021 17:14 |
Travel Pool Report No. 9 - Infinite Energy Center arrival Motorcade ride was uneventful. There was a cluster of about a dozen people waving outside a Chick-fil-A. We pulled onto the Infinite Energy Center grounds at 5:11 p.m. More TK. |
April 29, 2021 17:43 |
Travel Pool Report No. 10 - rally details The rally is being livestreamed from Joe Biden's YouTube page, as it's a political event not a White House event: >https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PnCRVXl2Q-8< I'll send color, etc. When we arrived we were about an hour behind schedule. The president was originally slated to speak at 6 p.m. As pool walked in a group of attendees was dancing to hip-hop. Like during the campaign, people are clustered around their cars. The signs tonight say "100 Days" and "Getting Back on Track." There's a giant – like huge – American flag being held up by two construction vehicles at the back of the parking lot, reminiscent of the set-up at rallies for a certain president of recent past. Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms, who greeted the Bidens at the airport, gave early remarks. More TK |
April 29, 2021 18:06 |
Travel Pool Report No. 11 - rally two-minute warning Two minute warning for the rally remarks. From the White House: There are approximately 315 cars at the rally. Speakers at the car rally so far: Dr. Michelle Au, State Senator (SD-48) |
April 29, 2021 18:29 |
Travel Pool Report No. 12 - protesters The president and first lady appeared onstage at 6:12 p.m. holding hands. Biden had a kick in his step as the first lady clapped. FLOTUS introduced the president, who began speaking at 6:18 p.m. Near the beginning of the remarks, the president was interrupted by a group of protesters who were shouting "Abolish ICE" and something about detentions centers. One shouted, "We voted for you too." "Our families are dying," a protester said. They held up an orange fluorescent banner but had it angled away from both the president and the pool, so unclear what it said. "I agree with you, I'm working on it, man, give me another five days. Folks, you all know what they're talking about. There should be no private prisons period. Private detention centers. They should not exist. And we're working to close all of them," Biden said. "I promise you," he added. |
April 29, 2021 18:46 |
Travel Pool Report No. 13 - rally concludes Biden concluded his remarks and then pulled Sens. Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff onstage. He left stage at 6:43 p.m. "Looking for my mask, I'm in trouble," Biden said as his departure was briefly delayed. He found it. Pool is loading into the van. |
April 29, 2021 18:48 |
Travel Pool Report No. 14 - Capito readout The White House sends this along: The President and Senator Capito spoke by phone this afternoon. They had a warm, friendly conversation and continued their dialogue about infrastructure and jobs, reiterating their willingness to negotiate. They also discussed having another potential in-person meeting in the near future. |
April 29, 2021 19:17 |
Travel Pool Report No. 15 - departing Gwinnett County Airport The motorcade left the rally venue at 6:57 p.m. We arrived at the Gwinnett County Airport at 7:13 p.m. The Bidens got on Marine One at 7:16 p.m. Pool is headed to the Ospreys for a quick trip to Dobbins. |
April 29, 2021 19:57 |
Travel Pool Report No. 16 - Dobbins departure Your pool lifted off at 7:21 p.m. Your pooler caught a brief glimpse of Marine One and the extra one taking off in front of us. Marine One landed at Dobbins Air Reserve Base at 7:36 p.m. The Bidens disembarked Marine One at 7:42 p.m. Biden talked to your pool. He said of the Carter visit: "It was great. Said he didn't know about the Ellipse attack. He said the protesters at the rally were "Emotionally excited" and said he was "teasing" them about shutting down private prisons in five days. Talked about the Capito call, said she could come to the WH next week or later. He was asked about Tim Scott would come to the WH. Said he would "Let them negotiate," meaning lawmakers. He also said Congress needed to step up on guns. Said the big challenge was deciding "What can I get done when." Karine Jean-Pierre said the president has been briefed on the Ellipse attack - thought reporters were talking about a development today. Biden got on board at approximately 7:50. We'll be wheels up shortly. |
April 29, 2021 21:08 |
Travel Pool Report No. 17 - longer gaggle quotes Below you'll find longer quotes from a portion of the gaggle. The Air Force One engine noise made it difficult to hear, so as always check against the official White House transcript. Snaps to co-pooler Eli Stokols for help with transcription duty. PROTESTERS: "Well when they found out I agreed with them, they finally stopped. Because I have been opposed to funding private prisons and that's what they were talking about. And I think they were just very emotionally excited. That's why I stopped and let them go on a little bit and then, when I found out they wanted me to do it immediately like I could sign a paper and make it happen." Q: You said you wanted five more days - that's not going to be enough is it? "No I was teasing them" .. [inaudible] CAPITO CALL: "We had a good conversation." "They're off next week, the Senate. I said if you wanted to come next week that's fine, if you want to wait and have our staff talk some more." "She seemed very serious and very positive about wanting to do something about it." "Let's decide on infrastructure what they say is infrastructure ... what they are prepared to consider as far as what constitutes it ... and then we can figure out how to pay for it. I think she's serious. Like last time they come in with one fourth or one fifth of what I'm asking and say that's our final offer ... and then we have to go ... [trails off]." GUNS: "It's time for the Congress to stand up ... I'm going to continue to make the case to the American people .. and by the way a significant portion of gun owners and NRA members support eliminating the assault - who the hell needs 100 rounds? The vast majority of the American people are getting fed up with it and I think eventually that's going to break the back of the opposition." "But look there's a lot on the plate." "There's a lot going on and it's only been 101 days." |
April 29, 2021 21:28 |
Travel Pool Report No. 18 - JBA Air Force One was wheels up at 8 p.m. Anita Dunn spent about 35 minutes speaking off-the-record to the pool during the flight. We landed at 9:10 p.m. The president and first lady walked off AF1 at 9:21 p.m. They walked carefully down the steps as there's a breeze and Dr. Biden is in heels. The Bidens got on board Marine One at 9:23 p.m. Marine One lifted off at 9:27 p.m. White House sends these along: Following the President's Joint Address yesterday, where he called on Congress to pass the U.S. Citizenship Act and bring relief to Dreamers, he and the First Lady met with Georgia Dreamers Jaime Rangel, Jennifer Zenteno, Raymond Partolan, Israel Arce Perez, and Cris Ramirez in Duluth today. They discussed their hopes for their futures and the urgent need for Congress to pass the Dream and Promise Act. Upon arrival at Dobbins Air Reserve Base, the President and the First Lady were greeted by: Major General John P. Healy, Commander, 22nd Air Force, Dobbins Air Reserve Base Chief Master Sergeant Vicki L. Robertson, Command Chief Master Sergeant of the 94th Airlift Wing, Dobbins Air Reserve Base Thanks again to Eli Stokols for the help today. Handing it off to in-town pool. Good night! |
Joseph R. Biden, Jr., Travel Pool Reports of April 29, 2021 Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/349771