Joe Biden

Travel Pool Reports of March 28, 2021

March 28, 2021

Pool Reports by David Sherfinski, The Washington Times

Sent: Reports:
March 28, 2021

Travel pool report #1 - holding near residence

??Good afternoon from a cloudy and soggy Wilmington. Pool van was holding near POTUS residence as of approximately 2:31 pm.

March 28, 2021

Travel pool report #2 - motorcade

Pool van joined up with the presidential motorcade at approximately 4:02 pm. We're on the move.

There were several onlookers in casual clothing gathered closer in toward the residence during the security sweep, but we were taken back to the previous holding area before your pooler could see if they hung around to watch POTUS depart.

March 28, 2021

Travel pool report #3 - New Castle arrival

Motorcade arrived at New Castle Air National Guard Base at approximately 4:10 pm.

POTUS boarded AF1 at approximately 4:15 pm. Wheels up shortly.

He briefly gaggled - said the situation in Myanmar was terrible and addressed other subjects like a new rise in COVID cases and the new strategic partnership between China and Iran.

Will endeavor to send more complete quotes when we have better reception on arrival.

March 28, 2021

Travel pool report #4 - Arrival and quotes

We were wheels up from Delaware at approximately 4:25 pm.

AF1 touched down at JBA at approximately 5:04 pm.

POTUS addressed a range of topics in Delaware - says he has settled on a strategy for Build Back Better and that he's not concerned about whether Trump ("the other guy") goes to the border.

Here are some quotes from the gaggle in DE - thanks to co-pooler Tarini Parti for help with these. Please check against audio/video/transcript.

Have you decided on a legislative strategy for Build Back Better? One or two bills?

"I have, but I ain't telling" you

Any reaction to what happened in Myanmar?

"It's terrible. It's absolutely outrageous and based on the reporting I've gotten an awful lot of people [have] been killed - totally unnecessary"

Sen. Chris Murphy said today that he thinks there's a chance to get 60 votes for a background check proposal. Are you prepared to make calls toward Republicans to help get it over the finish line?

"Sure I am. Of course I am"

"Everybody keeps wondering whether I'm [unintelligible, please check audio/video] about dealing with rational gun control."

"The only gun control legislation to ever pass is mine. It's going to happen again"

How close are you to naming a national cyber director?


Within days?


COVID cases are going up - what's going wrong in America?

"Well, based on what I'm hearing that apparently people are letting their guard down, but I'm having a meeting with the team tomorrow and I'll get a better sense"

What have you given up for Lent?

"Gave up all sweets for Lent"

[you] "have no idea how hard [that] is for me"

What's the first sweet you're looking forward to having?

"Ice cream"

What are you going to do to sanction Myanmar? What is the plan here for the U.S. reaction to what is going on?

"We're working on that now"

Republican senators at the border, former President Trump said he's been asked by border patrol to go to the border. Do you think that would be productive? And anytime you're thinking about going?

"We are putting in place a plan that I feel very confident about and I don't care what the other guy does."

How concerning is the emerging partnership between China and Iran?

"Been concerned about that for years"

March 28, 2021

Travel pool report #5 - motorcade

POTUS departed AF1 with First Lady Jill Biden at approximately 5:13 pm and entered his vehicle at approximately 5:15 pm.

We are rolling.

March 28, 2021

Travel pool report #6 - arrival, crowd and cleanup

Motorcade pulled into the White House complex at approximately 5:38 pm.

Once we entered D.C., onlookers near the cherry blossoms stopped to snap pics/video of the motorcade.

At least one man in the crowd, who appeared to be wearing a soccer jersey, flashed a "thumbs up."

One quote clean-up a from earlier report:

How concerning is the emerging partnership between China and Iran?

"Been concerned about that for a year"

March 28, 2021

Travel pool report #7 - lid

A travel/photo lid was called at 5:42 pm. Your pooler did not see POTUS or FLOTUS enter the White House.

Tremendous thanks to co-pooler Tarini Parti, Rob Crilly, Kevin Freking, and the rest of the travel pool for all their help this weekend.

Have a great evening!

March 28, 2021

Travel pool report #4a - fuller questions and quotes from gaggle

Here's a more complete set of questions and answers from the gaggle in DE after getting better video/audio. Brackets where it's unclear. Still a bit hard to tell about year/years in the last quote, so please check against transcript.

Decision on how you're going to approach your legislative agenda? One bill or split it up into multiple bills?

"I have, but I ain't telling you"

Any reaction to what happened in Myanmar?

"It's terrible. It's absolutely outrageous and based on the reporting I've gotten an awful lot of people have been killed, totally [unnecessarily]"

Sen. Chris Murphy said today that he thinks there's a chance to get 60 votes for a background check proposal. Are you prepared to make calls to Republicans to try to get it over the finish line?

"Sure I am. Of course I am. I'm the only one that's ever gotten it passed, man."

"Everybody keeps wondering whether I [cared?] about dealing with rational gun control."

"The only gun control legislation to ever pass is mine. It's going to happen again"

How close are you to naming a national cyber director?


Within days?


COVID cases are going up - what's going wrong in America?

"Well, based on what I'm hearing that apparently people are letting their guard down, but I'm having a meeting with the team tomorrow and I'll get a better sense"

What have you given up for Lent?

"Gave up all sweets for Lent"

"You have no idea how hard [that] is for me"

What's the first sweet you're looking forward to having?

"Ice cream"

What are you going to do to sanction Myanmar? What is the plan here for the U.S. reaction to what is going on?

"We're working on that now"

We've seen Republican senators at the border, former President Trump said he's been asked by some border patrol agents to go to the border. Do you think that would be productive and any timetable on when you might go?

"We are putting in place a plan that I feel very confident about and I don't care what the other guy does."

How concerning is the emerging partnership between China and Iran?

"Been concerned about that for [years]"

Joseph R. Biden, Jr., Travel Pool Reports of March 28, 2021 Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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