Trump Campaign Press Release - Correct The Record: Fact Checking Biden's Day In Michigan
[This document, like all the others identified as "Trump Campaign Press Releases" was entirely prepared by the Trump Campaign. This includes no independent research or fact-checking by the American Presidency Project. Interested users can also see in our archive President Trump's remarks to reporters on 08/12/2017, 08/15/2017 and 04/26/2019.]
Biden spent the day parroting lies and falsehoods in the Great Lakes State
BIDEN:"Insurers, if they win, and that's what this court packing going on now is about, insurers will no longer allow you to keep your kids on your policy until age 26 in the middle of this economic crisis."
FACT: Biden's claim is ridiculous and has nothing to do with court packing; President Trump is filling a Supreme Court vacancy as the Constitution calls for with the advice and consent of the Senate.
- Biden has been called out for falsely claiming that Judge Amy Coney Barrett's appointment is unconstitutional, with fact-checkers calling it "false" and legal experts saying they "have no idea" what Biden is talking about.
- While Democrats have tried to change the definition, the actual meaning is clear.
- Court packing is expanding or changing the number of judges on a court to stack it with supporters.
- Unlike President Trump, Joe Biden supports actual court packing, saying last night that he is "open" to the idea, after spending weeks refusing to answer.
BIDEN: "Just like when [President Trump] said there were 'very fine people' on both sides in Charlottesville."
FACT: This is an often-repeated Biden lie; President Trump specifically condemned neo-Nazis and white supremacists in Charlottesville.
- Fact checkers have debunked Biden's claim and said that President Trump condemned white supremacists and neo-Nazis.
- CNN's Jake Tapper admitted that President Trump did in fact condemn Neo-Nazis.
- Fox News' Brit Hume has debunked the "very fine people" lie.
BIDEN: "No one who makes less than $400,00 a year will pay a penny more."
FACT: Biden's $4 trillion tax hike will raise taxes on 82 percent of Americans, including those making under $400,000.
- Biden's $4 trillion tax hike is the largest proposed tax hike in a half century.
- Five independent analyses have concluded that Biden would reduce after-tax incomes for those making under $400,000.
- The Tax Policy Center concluded Biden's "proposals would increase taxes on average on all income groups."
- The Tax Foundation concluded Biden's plan would lead to higher taxes "across all income groups."
- The American Enterprise Institute concluded that "households at every income level" would see higher taxes.
- A Penn Wharton budget model analysis concluded that taxes would go up across all income levels.
- The Committee For A Responsible Federal Budget concluded that taxes would go up across all income levels.
BIDEN: "Moody's, a well-respected Wall street firm, has done an in-depth analysis of every step of my plan. As well as his. You know what the conclusion was? This is Moody's, now. My plan will create 18.6 million jobs. 7 million more than his would. And $1 trillion more in economic growth than the President's plan."
FACT: The outfit Biden cited – Moody's – has a history of drastically underestimating the positive effects of President Trump's economic policies.
- In 2016, Moody's estimated then-candidate Trump's economic plans would lead to higher unemployment rates under every scenario; in fact, the unemployment rate fell to a half-century low under President Trump before the pandemic hit.
- Moody's drastically underestimated job growth and the increase in the stock market under Trump.
REPORTER: "Do you regret at all calling the travel ban xenophobic." BIDEN: "I didn't call the travel ban – I said he's xenophobic, it wasn't about the travel ban."
FACT: Biden accused President Trump of "hysterical xenophobia" the same day the Trump Administration announced its travel ban; as the timeline makes clear, Biden was certainly talking about the China travel ban.
- On January 31, Biden accused President Trump of "hysterical xenophobia."
- Biden was speaking just after 4 p.m. in Iowa that day, just after Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar officially announced the China travel ban and hours after reporting emerged that the travel ban would be announced.
- On March 26, Biden's campaign again declined to endorse the China travel ban when asked by The Washington Post about his stance.
- Biden refused to endorse the China travel ban until April 3, more than two months after it was announced.
Donald J. Trump (1st Term), Trump Campaign Press Release - Correct The Record: Fact Checking Biden's Day In Michigan Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/345881