Photo of Donald Trump

Trump Campaign Press Release - FACT CHECK: Joe Biden Will Kill Good-Paying Union Jobs

July 14, 2020

[APP Note:  As with all "Campaign Documents" archived by the APP, the content of this document was prepared by the presidential campaign. This is not the analysis or work product of the American Presidency Project.  We do not vouch for the accuracy of ANY campaign document published by any presidential campaign. They are provided as part of the historical record.]

Workers' jobs are not safe in Joe Biden's America.

Joe Biden pretends to be an advocate for union jobs, but his so-called "Build Back Better" plan and radical proposal to spend $2 trillion in four years on Green New Deal policies make it clear that union jobs related to oil, natural gas, fracking, and energy infrastructure will be on the chopping block in Joe Biden's America.

Biden cannot look union workers in the eye and tell them their jobs are safe. This isn't speculation. Good-paying union jobs and infrastructure projects are already being killed by Biden's supporters:

"Thousands of hardworking LIUNA members, who spent years acquiring the skills to build the Atlantic Coast Pipeline safely and to the highest standards, now do not know where their next paycheck will come from," the Laborers' International Union of North America said in a recent statement. The left's war on energy infrastructure projects, they acknowledged, is "killing construction jobs by the tens of thousands for working families."

Biden isn't sticking up for these union workers and their families. In fact, he's the one placing a boot on their necks by embracing the job-killing Green New Deal despite opposition from rank-and-file union workers. "All it does is do what the Democratic Party seems to be very good at lately — which is export our jobs," one union worker said last year. Biden's extremism is only getting worse:Biden has become more radically liberal than ever, adopting Bernie Sanders' extremist platform nearly word-for-word.

At a time when America's economy is making a comeback, Biden is proposing to kill millions of jobs, spike families' electrical bills, raise taxes, and heap tens of thousands of dollars in costs on households. It's a stunning display of economic incompetence from a man who oversaw the worst economic "recovery" since the Great Depression the last time he was in charge.

No wonder more Americans trust President Trump to bring back America's economy. They know President Trump will fight for every job and every industry, keep their taxes low, and stop the radical left's war on energy.

Donald J. Trump, Trump Campaign Press Release - FACT CHECK: Joe Biden Will Kill Good-Paying Union Jobs Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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