Photo of Donald Trump

Trump Campaign Press Release - FACT: Joe Biden Will Bring Back Job-Killing Climate Treaties That Will Derail the Economic Recovery

October 22, 2020

Rejoining the Paris Climate Accord would crush middle-class Americans.

Joe Biden has pledged to rejoin the job-killing Paris Climate Accord on day one of entering the Oval Office, returning America to an era of subsidizing other countries, killing our jobs with onerous regulations, and putting America last!

The consequences of the Paris Climate Accord for American workers and the middle class would be devastating:

  • Economists estimate that American households would spend between 15% and 20% more for their electricity under the accord.

  • It would kill 400,000 American jobs per year, including 200,000 manufacturing jobs.

  • The Paris Climate Accord would cost American families of four $30,000 per year, and cost the U.S. economy a shocking $2.5 trillion.

Joe Biden's running-mate Kamala Harris has also pledged to rejoin the Paris Climate Accord. Biden and Harris would put the power to regulate the U.S. economy back into the hands of unaccountable, foreign bureaucrats that will never put American workers first.

Rejoining the Paris Climate Accord is only part of Joe Biden's radical, job-killing climate agenda:

Kamala Harris has fully embraced Biden's extreme agenda that would crush the middle class.

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris' plan to rejoin the Paris Climate Accord and impose their extreme climate agenda would cripple our economy with burdensome regulations. It would be exactly the wrong approach as our country recovers from the coronavirus pandemic, and it would certainly stop President Trump's Great American Comeback in its tracks.

Donald J. Trump, Trump Campaign Press Release - FACT: Joe Biden Will Bring Back Job-Killing Climate Treaties That Will Derail the Economic Recovery Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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