Trump Campaign Press Release - FAILURE: Joe Biden Completely Botched H1N1 Vaccine Distribution
Biden has no credibility.
Joe Biden twice this week tried to undermine public confidence in the Trump Administration's historic efforts to safely and efficiently produce and distribute a coronavirus vaccine, but given Biden's record, he has no credibility on the issue. The last time he was in charge, Biden completely botched the production and distribution of the H1N1 swine flu vaccine, resulting in delays that jeopardized American lives. "When the demand for the vaccine was at its highest, supply fell dramatically short, with as few as 11 million doses on hand," Politico recently reported in an article examining Biden's pandemic failures.
At the time, headlines about the vaccine shortages were brutal for Biden. "Two days after the H1N1 flu was declared a national emergency, vaccine shortages around the country are creating anxiety and concern," ABC reported. "The problems have left local public health officials frustrated and bewildered," NPR acknowledged. "The current shortage of the H1N1 swine flu vaccine was both predictable and largely avoidable," Slate admitted. "The government overpromised on its ability to organize and implement the massive H1N1 vaccination program it envisioned," the Baltimore Sun reported. Vaccine production delays, another health bulletin from 2009 grimly read, "are cutting into federal pandemic vaccine–supply projections at a time when virus activity is widespread in 41 states and children's deaths are spiraling."
The vaccine delays became so outrageous that the Obama-Biden CDC director had to publicly apologize in 2009 for their administration's failures. "We are nowhere near where we thought we'd be by now," he admitted. "We share the frustration of people who have waited...and haven't been able to find a place to get vaccinated." Biden's former chief of staff Ron Klain admitted last year that the Obama-Biden Administration' efforts to secure a vaccine and fight the H1N1 virus were a total disaster. "We did every possible thing wrong. It had nothing to do with us doing anything right," he said. "It just had to do with luck. It is purely a fortuity that this isn't one of the great mass casualty events in American history."
No one should take lectures on vaccine strategy from Joe Biden. Thanks to the Trump Administration working together with medical professionals, scientists, and manufacturers, the mass production of a successful vaccine is on track to arrive at record speed.
Donald J. Trump (1st Term), Trump Campaign Press Release - FAILURE: Joe Biden Completely Botched H1N1 Vaccine Distribution Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project