Photo of Donald Trump

Trump Campaign Press Release - Obamacare Premiums Drop For Third Year In A Row Thanks to President Trump

October 20, 2020

Joe Biden will make health care more expensive and eliminate choice.

President Trump is committed to protecting Americans with pre-existing conditions and making our health care system better, with more options for patients and lower costs. His actions are working: Affordable Care Act premiums are declining for the third consecutive year.

New data from the federal government's Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) confirm that, thanks to the Trump Administration's actions, benchmark Affordable Care Act premiums will decline by 2% in 2021, decreasing for the third year in a row. Twenty-two more health insurance issuers will be offering coverage in 2012, adding even more choice for consumers. Four states will see double digit decreases in benchmark premiums.

"Three years of declining average benchmark plan premiums combine to deliver an 8% premium reduction across since the 2018 coverage year," CMS reports.The Trump Administration has made it easier for small businesses and self-employed workers to join together to form Association Health Plans, increasing options for workers. President Trump also expanded the availability of short-term, limited-duration plans, which offer consumers more choices at lower costs.

While President Trump is fighting to lower health care costs, Joe Biden has pledged to roll back these great reforms and put America on a path toward cancelled plans, higher costs, and reduced access to care. Biden wants to force taxpayers to shoulder the costs of providing health care to illegal immigrants. Biden's government-run health care scheme will ultimately eliminate Americans' private insurance plans and shut down many rural hospitals, eliminating large employers in areas of the country that need jobs the most.

This election offers a clear choice between better quality health care for patients, or Joe Biden's radical, left-wing plan that will reduce access to care and increase costs on middle-class workers and families in the middle of a pandemic.

Donald J. Trump (1st Term), Trump Campaign Press Release - Obamacare Premiums Drop For Third Year In A Row Thanks to President Trump Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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