Photo of Donald Trump

Trump Campaign Press Release - Trump Urban Radio Ad Contrasts President Trump's Record of Success with Joe Biden's Failure to Deliver for the Black Community

September 08, 2020

President Donald J. Trump's re-election campaign today launched a new ad on radio stations in urban markets featuring testimonials from Heisman Trophy winner and former professional football star Herschel Walker and Georgia State Representative Vernon Jones (D). In the spot, Walker and Jones endorse President Trump's successful record of uplifting the Black community and contrast that with Joe Biden's 47-year history of broken promises and empty talk. While President Trump has worked to deliver school choice, criminal justice reform, and economic empowerment for Black Americans, Joe Biden offers more of the same liberal agenda that has failed the Black community for decades. The urban radio ad is part of a multi-state buy in Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, North Carolina, Georgia, and Florida.

"President Trump has actually delivered for Black Americans, while Joe Biden has kept on with his condescending tone with Black voters, taking our votes for granted," said Katrina Pierson, senior advisor to the Trump campaign. "We all remember how Biden said we 'ain't Black' if we don't vote for him, and we remember that he thinks that we all think alike. President Trump has worked hard for our support and has the record to back it up."

"President Trump has a clear record of success for Black Americans, including all-time low unemployment before the global pandemic, record funding for HBCUs, real criminal justice reform to give people second chances, and supporting school choice so kids can escape from failing schools," said Harrison Floyd, executive director of the Black Voices for Trump coalition. "President Trump has delivered for our communities, while Joe Biden has nothing but failed policies and empty talk."


Trump Radio Ad Script

Herschel Walker: I'm Herschel Walker. I've known Donald Trump for 37 years. He keeps right on fighting to improve the lives of Black Americans. He works night and day. He never stops. He leaves nothing on the field.

Vernon Jones: My name is Vernon Jones and I'm a lifelong Democrat and I'm part of a large and growing segment of the Black community who are independent thinkers and we believe that Donald Trump is the President that America needs to lead us forward. Joe Biden has had 47 years to produce results, but he's been all talk and no action just like so many of the Democrats who've been making promises to the Black voters for decades.

Walker: He has accomplished so much almost all by himself on a constant attack. But, there's still more work to be done. If you love America and want to make it better, Donald Trump is your President. He's my President and I'm blessed to call him friend.

President Trump: I'm Donald Trump and I approve this message.

VO: Paid for by Donald J Trump for President Incorporated

Donald J. Trump, Trump Campaign Press Release - Trump Urban Radio Ad Contrasts President Trump's Record of Success with Joe Biden's Failure to Deliver for the Black Community Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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