Photo of Donald Trump

Trump Campaign Press Release - What They Are Saying: Judge Amy Coney Barrett?

September 26, 2020

A "brilliant scholar," "outstanding jurist," and "woman of great integrity" whose "credentials are impeccable"


Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY):"Judge Amy Coney Barrett is an exceptionally impressive jurist and an exceedingly well-qualified nominee to the Supreme Court. A brilliant scholar. An exemplary Judge. President Trump could not have made a better decision."

Senate Majority WhipJohn Thune (R-SD):"Judge Barrett deeply respects the Constitution, and she is committed to interpreting the law as written and applying it faithfully and impartially. While I look forward to meeting Judge Barrett and learning more about her experience, her resume speaks for itself..."

Senator Richard Shelby (R-AL):"Judge Barrett is an excellent choice and will make a great Supreme Court Justice. I will enthusiastically support her confirmation, and I encourage my colleagues to join me in moving her nomination expeditiously."

Senator Martha McSally (R-AZ):"Judge Barrett is a highly qualified jurist, a devoted mom, and a woman of integrity and faith."

Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR):"Judge Amy Coney Barrett is one of the finest legal minds of her generation and has now proven to be a wise judge as well. I congratulate Judge Barrett on her nomination and I commend President Trump for another outstanding choice."

Senator John Boozman (R-AR): "She's well qualified for the job given her extensive legal and academic experience. Like the president's previous nominees, she understands her Constitutional role."

Senator Rick Scott (R-FL): "She is a brilliant legal mind who understands the proper and distinct roles of the three branches of government."

Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL):"Judge Barrett is a well-qualified, highly respected nominee, and that's why the Senate previously confirmed her ... I believe Judge Barrett would make an excellent Supreme Court justice, and I look forward to once again supporting her nomination in the U.S. Senate."

Senator David Perdue (R-GA): "Judge Amy Coney Barrett is an outstanding choice to serve on our nation's highest court. Throughout her impressive legal career, Judge Barrett has been an ardent defender of the Constitution and steadfast supporter of the rule of law. Having clerked for Justice Antonin Scalia, Judge Barrett understands the importance of protecting our nation's founding principles."

Senator Kelly Loeffler (R-GA): "I'm proud to support #AmyConeyBarrett as @realDonaldTrump's nominee for #SCOTUS. I'm confident she will protect individual liberties like the right to life & the 2nd Amendment by ensuring the Constitution & our laws are applied as written."

Senator Todd Young (R-IN): "I am thrilled with @POTUS's nomination of fellow Hoosier, Judge Amy Coney Barrett, to serve on the Supreme Court. I've come to know her as an incredibly sharp legal mind, a woman of great integrity, and a dedicated mother of seven."

Senator Mike Braun (R-IN):"Amy Coney Barrett's sterling record as a Constitutional originalist proves she'll be a phenomenal Supreme Court Justice. I believe her reputation as an educator & model for decency will make Americans proud to have her on the court for years to come."

Senator Jerry Moran (R-KS): "Judge Amy Coney Barrett is a well-qualified nominee, having served as a clerk for Justice Scalia and distinguishing herself as a law professor at Notre Dame before receiving bipartisan support during her confirmation to the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals."

Senator Rand Paul (R-KY):"I believe she will make an excellent justice that will serve our country and Constitution well, and I look forward to seeing her confirmed soon."

Senator Bill Cassidy (R-LA): "Judge Amy Coney Barrett, a Louisiana native and superb legal mind, is an excellent choice by @realDonaldTrump to serve on #SCOTUS."

Senator Roy Blunt (R-MO):"Judge Amy Coney Barrett, in both her judicial record and philosophy, has made clear her commitment to interpreting and upholding the law and the Constitution as they are written. I was proud to support her confirmation to the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals and look forward to supporting her confirmation to the Supreme Court."

Senator Roger Wicker (R-MS):"Amy Coney Barrett is an outstanding judge and an even better person. I commend President Trump on another exceptional pick for the high court"

Senator Cindy Hyde-Smith (R-MS):"In Judge Barrett, I believe President Trump has chosen a qualified conservative jurist who, if confirmed, will bring an important perspective to the Court."

Senator Steve Daines (R-MT): "Judge Barrett will defend our Montana way of life from those that want to take away our 2nd Amendment rights and destroy our jobs. Nearly three years ago I voted to confirm Judge Barrett to the Seventh Circuit Court, and I now look forward to casting my vote to confirm Judge Barrett to the United States Supreme Court."

Senator Deb Fischer (R-NE): "I am encouraged that @realDonaldTrump has announced Judge Amy Coney Barrett as his nominee to serve as the next Justice on the Supreme Court. As a young mother on the 7th circuit court with a history clerking for Justice Scalia, she is a brilliant choice."

Senator Richard Burr (R-NC):"President Trump has made a solid choice in nominating Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court. Judge Barrett is a highly accomplished and respected candidate."

Senator Kevin Cramer (R-ND): "Judge Amy Coney Barrett seems made for this moment. She's a brilliant legal scholar who's come face-to-face with the appalling attacks of the far-left and won."

Senator John Hoeven (R-ND):"Judge Barrett has an outstanding record of accomplishment as well as a strong record of upholding the law, rather than legislating from the bench."

Senator Rob Portman (R-OH):"Judge Barrett has an impressive background and is highly regarded for her work as a judge and as a constitutional law professor at Notre Dame."

Senator Jim Inhofe (R-OK):"@realDonaldTrump made the right choice by choosing Amy Coney Barrett to serve on the Supreme Court. Throughout her career, Judge Barrett has shown her commitment to upholding the Constitution. he has a long record of upholding the right to life, respecting religious liberty and respecting judicial restraint. I look forward to receiving her nomination in the Senate and confirming her in a swift manner."

Senator Tim Scott (R-SC):"From her time as a clerk for Justice Antonin Scalia, to her work as an esteemed law professor and judge, Amy Coney Barrett has proven she would be a fantastic pick for the Supreme Court. I am confident she will work to uphold the Constitution, defend our nation's founding principles and be a valuable addition to our nation's highest court."

Senator Mike Rounds (R-SD):"President Trump has made an excellent choice in nominating Judge Barrett to the Supreme Court. As an accomplished jurist, wife and mother from the Midwest, Judge Barrett brings a unique perspective to our nation's highest court."

Senator Mitt Romney (R-UT): "Amy Coney Barrett is a highly-respected jurist with distinguished legal and academic credentials."

Senator Shelley Moore Capito (R-WV): "President Trump has selected another outstanding Supreme Court candidate by nominating Judge Amy Coney Barrett. Judge Barrett has had a distinguished career as a law professor, law clerk to Justice Antonin Scalia, and federal appellate judge. She has demonstrated a strong commitment to the rule of law and to carefully considering the text and history of the Constitution."

Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI):"Less than three years ago, Amy Coney Barrett was confirmed on a bipartisan basis as a judge on the Federal 7th Circuit Court of Appeals. I was pleased to vote for her then, and I expect to support her confirmation as a justice on the Supreme Court."

Senator John Barrasso (R-WY):"This is a historic choice by @realDonaldTrump. Judge Barrett is a highly qualified nominee. She will apply the law, not legislate from the bench."

Judiciary Committee

Chairman Lindsey Graham (R-SC):"Judge Barrett is highly qualified in all the areas that matter – character, integrity, intellect, and judicial disposition. She is outstanding #SupremeCourt nominee"

Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA): "She is roundly revered in legal circles for her well-reasoned and deliberate decisions, as well as for her commitment to applying the law as written, regardless of outcome. She is eminently qualified."

Senator Joni Ernst (R-IA): "Judge Barrett is an experienced jurist, a working mom of seven, an accomplished legal scholar, and a fellow Midwesterner."

Senator John Kennedy (R-LA):"President Trump has nominated an impressive jurist in Judge Barrett, who has real-world experience in the classroom and in the courtroom."

Senator Josh Hawley (R-MO):"@realDonaldTrump has chosen a nominee in #AmyConeyBarrett who religious conservatives can call one of their own"

Senator Ben Sasse (R-NE): "Judge Barrett is a brilliant legal thinker and will be an excellent Supreme Court Justice ... She believes her duty isn't to arbitrarily slop applesauce on stone tablets and declare new laws – her duty is to cloak her personal views under a black robe and to faithfully uphold the Constitution. That makes her a problem to rabid partisans, and an ally to the rule of law."

Senator Thom Tillis (R-NC): "Judge Barrett is an incredible, well-qualified judge who interprets the Constitution as written and she will protect the rights of all Americans."

Senator Marsha Blackburn (R-TN):"Judge Barrett is an outstanding jurist and a committed constitutionalist. She is an excellent nominee for the U.S. Supreme Court and I look forward to hearing her testimony before @senjudiciary."

Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX): "Judge Barrett is well-qualified to serve on the United States Supreme Court. Having confirmed her to the circuit court in 2017 with bipartisan support, the Senate has already undertaken a thorough and rigorous review of her record."

Senator John Cornyn (R-TX):"Judge Amy Coney Barrett is a legal trailblazer with a deep respect for the law and our nation's founding principles. Throughout her impressive career, Judge Barrett has maintained the importance of an independent judiciary that interprets the law and Constitution as-written, and operates free from political pressure."

Senator Mike Lee (R-UT): "Judge Barrett is going to be a fantastic Supreme Court justice. I think she'll be a textualist and an originalist, She'll be devoted to the principle of constitutionally limited government. That's what President Trump promised his voters. It is what I promised my voters. And we are going to keep our promise to the voters who elected us."


House Of Representatives

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA):"President Trump just knocked it out of the park with his Supreme Court nominee. There is no question that Amy Coney Barrett is the best-qualified person to uphold the Constitution. The Senate should confirm her quickly."

Ranking Member Of The House Judiciary Committee Jim Jordan (R-OH):"President Trump makes another great pick! Amy Coney Barrett is a beyond excellent choice for the United States Supreme Court. She'll fight for life, liberty, and the rule of law. The way the Founders originally intended. I look forward to her swift confirmation in the Senate."

Congresswoman Elise Stefanik (R-NY): "President @realDonaldTrump made a superb decision to nominate Judge Amy Coney Barrett to serve on the Supreme Court. She is deeply respected as an extraordinary legal mind dedicated to the Constitution. She will make history as the first working mother to serve on the Court."


Governor Greg Abbott (R-TX):"Judge Amy Coney Barrett is a remarkable individual who will make an outstanding Supreme Court Justice. Her proven legal brilliance is matched by her exceptional character and unflinching commitment to the U.S. constitution."

Governor Kristi Noem (R-SD): "Liberals and their media allies always attack strong women who defend the Constitution. So I hope South Dakotans will join me in praying for Judge Amy Coney Barrett and her family. A woman of incredible integrity and commitment to due process and equal protection for all Americans, Judge Amy Coney Barrett is the perfect woman for this vacant seat."

Governor Mike DeWine (R-OH): "Judge Amy Coney Barrett ... is both highly qualified and highly respected. In addition to her distinguished judicial career, Judge Coney Barrett is a mother of seven, a constitutional scholar, and an esteemed law professor. Her prior writings and judicial opinions show she'll interpret the law fairly and impartially."


Law Professors

Harvard Law School Professor Noah Feldman: "Barrett is highly qualified to serve on the Supreme Court. ... I know her to be a brilliant and conscientious lawyer who will analyze and decide cases in good faith, applying the jurisprudential principles to which she is committed. Those are the basic criteria for being a good justice. Barrett meets and exceeds them."

University Of Notre Dame Law Professor Nicole Garnett: "She is brilliant, to be sure, but also humble generous, loving, kind. She accepts each new challenge with grace and gives all that she has to give (and sometimes it seems more) to all that she is called to do. She will bring all those qualities to the Supreme Court, and our nation will be blessed by her years of service as Justice Barrett."

Former Obama-Biden Solicitor General And Georgetown University Law Center Professor Neal Katyal: "She's a qualified nominee"

George Washington University Law Professor Jonathan Turley:"As expected, the nominee is Judge Amy Coney Barrett. More than any nomination in history, this is a celebration of conservative feminists. It comes close to the day of the confirmation of Justice Sandra Day O'Connor. While they reached very different conclusions on constitutional interpretations, Justice Ginsburg and Judge Barrett have striking similarities. Both graduated at the top of their law school classes. Both went into teaching at leading law schools. Both joined the bench with deeply rooted views of the law and its role in society. Both also publicly discussed the importance of their faith to their careers and their convictions."

University Of California, Berkley Law Professor John Yoo: "Barrett should win the support of anyone who wants judges of intelligence, experience, and character."

Legal Community

American Center For Law And Justice: "Judge Amy Coney Barrett is an excellent nominee to be the next Associate Justice of the Supreme Court, with a proven track record of upholding the Constitution and the rule of law."

Former Law Clerk To Amy Coney Barrett John Adams: "Judge Barrett's commitment to the law is rivaled only by her commitment to her family."

Constitutional Lawyers David Rivkin and Andrew Grossman:"Her scholarly and judicial writings place her at the center of the mainstream consensus on the judge's role as an arbiter, not a lawmaker, who abides by the duty to enforce the law as written ... Judge Barrett's body of work shows her to be independent, discerning, diligent and fair."


Heritage Foundation Senior Legal Fellow Thomas Jipping: "For cases to be decided as much as possible by the law rather than by the judge, there must be a real understanding of the need for such impartiality, a self-conscious conviction to achieve it as much as possible, and the actual use of tools that help make it real. Judge Barrett is that kind of judge."

Heritage Foundation's John Malcolm: "In Amy Coney Barrett, Trump Picks an Exacting Scholar for Supreme Court."

Heritage Foundation Legal Fellow GianCarlo Canaparo:"What you need to know about #ACB: 1) she's brilliant 2) extraordinarily well qualified; and 3) summed up her view of the judicial role this way: "I do not think it lawful for a judge to impose personal opinions, from whatever source they derive, upon the law."

Heritage Foundation Legal Fellow Zack Smith: "Judge Amy Coney Barrett will make a fantastic addition to #SCOTUS!"


Republican National Committee Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel: "Judge Amy Coney Barrett is a remarkable nominee, and the Senate should confirm her without delay."

The Heritage Foundation: "Amy Coney Barrett's judicial philosophy, legal credentials and strong character make her an excellent choice to serve on the U.S. Supreme Court."

  • Heritage Foundation President Kay C. James: "Amy Coney Barrett is an outstanding choice for SCOTUS. An originalist who respects the Constitution and will issue rulings based on the law."

Judicial Crisis Network President Carrie Severino:"President Trump promised to appoint justices in the mold of Scalia and Thomas. He has kept that promise and I look forward to supporting Judge Barrett's confirmation."

National Review's Rich Lowry:"Inspired choice"


CNN's Wolf Blitzer: "Clearly Judge Amy Coney Barrett is highly qualified as a jurist. She has a wonderful, wonderful personal story, a beautiful family."

CNN's Jeffrey Toobin: "[Judge Amy Coney Barrett] is a remarkable person and has a remarkable personal story."

CNN's Abby Phillip: "Amy Coney Barrett is different in that she is widely viewed to be well qualified for this position even with people who don't agree with her actual positions."

Fox News' Andy McCarthy: "But you know, look. She's somebody that they just confirmed three years ago. She's got an impeccable record. She has the admiration of people who are her ideological adversaries, perhaps, but respect her humility and her courage as the theme that she struck at the end of her statement. Admire that about her, and I that's why she'll be an exquisite justice of the Supreme Court."

Radio Host Hugh Hewitt:"Well done @Realdonaldtrump and congratulations to Judge Barrett who will soon be Justice Barrett."

Editorial Boards

Chicago Tribune Editorial Board:"In a vacuum, Amy Coney Barrett would be seen by all as a highly capable, fully qualified choice to serve as a justice of the U.S. Supreme Court ... Her credentials are impeccable."

Detroit News Editorial Board: "Barrett is a strong choice, and she deserves a fair hearing in the Senate."

Donald J. Trump, Trump Campaign Press Release - What They Are Saying: Judge Amy Coney Barrett? Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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