Photo of Donald Trump

Trump Campaign Statement on Biden Siding with Violent Left-Wing Rioters in Portland

July 21, 2020

"What Joe Biden calls 'peaceful protestors' are actually left-wing anarchists who are assaulting police officers in Portland and, incredibly, Biden is siding with the criminals. These 'peaceful protestors' are using lasers to target officers' eyes, shooting ball bearings with slingshots, using pellet guns and air rifles, launching fireworks at the officers, and barricading police inside a federal courthouse. One officer had his hand impaled on a board with nails driven through it. That Biden would accuse law enforcement of 'stoking the fires of division' while the mob is literally setting fires to police buildings is unconscionable. Biden has clearly lost his moral bearings and failed the leadership test. He once again has proven he is too weak to stand up the extremists running his party and can't bring himself to take the side of law enforcement officers under siege."

- Tim Murtaugh, Trump 2020 communications director

Donald J. Trump, Trump Campaign Statement on Biden Siding with Violent Left-Wing Rioters in Portland Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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