Photo of Donald Trump

Trump Campaign Statement on Pennsylvania Supreme Court Action on Election Integrity

May 15, 2020

"Pennsylvania voters won a great victory today to protect election integrity. The Pennsylvania Supreme Court dismissed a left-wing challenge to the state's election rule for mail-in ballots, which sought to allow ballots to be counted days after Election Day. President Trump continues to champion what should be a non-partisan issue to protect our free and fair elections. Yet, the Democrat-led leftist efforts only continue to try to remove safeguards from elections across America. We believe the resolution in this case is a very good sign and a victory for the people of Pennsylvania to protect their important voice at the ballot box."

- Jenna Ellis, Trump 2020 Senior Legal Adviser

Donald J. Trump, Trump Campaign Statement on Pennsylvania Supreme Court Action on Election Integrity Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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