Photo of Donald Trump

Trump Campaign Statement on State of the Union Address

February 04, 2020

"President Trump's State of the Union address illustrated unmistakably that he has led the great American comeback, overseeing an unprecedented blue collar boom that would be reversed by the socialist government takeover policies of 2020 Democrats.

"President Trump's free-market, low-tax policies have caused paychecks to grow fastest for low-and middle-income workers, lifted millions of Americans out of poverty, taken median household income to the highest level ever recorded, and brought unemployment to historic lows.

"While liberal Democrats promise taxpayer-funded healthcare for illegal immigrants as they seek to eliminate employer-provided healthcare for 180 million American citizens, President Trump has protected pre-existing conditions, brought down healthcare costs, and lowered the cost of prescription drugs for the first time in 51 years.

"Tonight, the choice on November 3, 2020 could not be clearer: It is a choice between an optimistic, prosperous America that provides access to the American Dream for those who need it most or a socialist vision that would unravel the very core of what makes America the greatest nation on earth."

- Kayleigh McEnany, Trump 2020 national press secretary

Donald J. Trump, Trump Campaign Statement on State of the Union Address Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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