Photo of Donald Trump

Tweets of April 21, 2019

April 21, 2019
Donald Trump (@realDonaldTrump) tweeted 18 times on April 21, 2019
Created: Tweets:
April 20, 2019
RT @MariaBartiromo: Happening now: @LindseyGrahamSC "we are working on a package to change the immigration laws & asylum laws. We will intr'
Retweets: 16569
Favorites: 0
April 20, 2019
RT @MariaBartiromo: Tomorrow #EXCLUSIVE @SundayFutures @FoxNews #BreakingNews 10am et @LindseyGrahamSC @RepDougCollins@RepCartwright@Rep'
Retweets: 4480
Favorites: 0
April 20, 2019
RT @LouDobbs: #DrainTheSwamp - @GreggJarrett: No one takes anything Schiff says seriously because he lost all credibility. For 2 years he c'
Retweets: 12670
Favorites: 0
April 20, 2019
Good night of television! 8:00 PM @WattersWorld 9:00 PM @JudgeJeanine with interview of @RudyGiuliani followed by Greg G. Honest commentary is always nice!
Retweets: 14472
Favorites: 69463
April 20, 2019
RT @RepDougCollins: This is ridiculous. AG Barr gives Democrats unprecedented accommodations and they refuse them hours after Chairman Nad'
Retweets: 16260
Favorites: 0
April 21, 2019
Retweets: 20507
Favorites: 71149
April 21, 2019
Thank you @JesseBWatters and @DBongino!
Retweets: 23037
Favorites: 87286
April 21, 2019
RT @seanhannity: Prior Reporting Confirmed That Some FBI Agents Were FED UP With Comey
Retweets: 13266
Favorites: 0
April 21, 2019
RT @ByronYork: Lotta stuff in the report. From @SecretsBedard: Kushner cleared of seeking Russian money to pay real estate debt. https://t.'
Retweets: 9320
Favorites: 0
April 21, 2019
Heartfelt condolences from the people of the United States to the people of Sri Lanka on the horrible terrorist attacks on churches and hotels that have killed at least 138 million people and badly injured 600 more. We stand ready to help!
Retweets: 3098
Favorites: 11293
April 21, 2019
Happy Easter! I have never been happier or more content because your Country is doing so well with an Economy that is the talk of the World and may be stronger than it has ever been before. Have a great day!
Retweets: 38646
Favorites: 229232
April 21, 2019
138 people have been killed in Sri Lanka with more that 600 badly injured in a terrorist attack on churches and hotels. The United States offers heartfelt condolences to the great people of Sri Lanka. We stand ready to help!
Retweets: 32034
Favorites: 144244
April 21, 2019
Do you believe this? The New York Times Op-Ed: MEDIA AND DEMOCRATS OWE TRUMP AN APOLOGY. Well they got that one right!
Retweets: 30981
Favorites: 144415
April 21, 2019
The Trump Haters and Angry Democrats who wrote the Mueller Report were devastated by the No Collusion finding! Nothing but a total 'hit job' which should never have been allowed to start in the first place!
Retweets: 21910
Favorites: 102041
April 21, 2019
Despite No Collusion No Obstruction The Radical Left Democrats do not want to go on to Legislate for the good of the people but only to Investigate and waste time. This is costing our Country greatly and will cost the Dems big time in 2020!
Retweets: 21880
Favorites: 92334
April 21, 2019
Jobless claims in the United States have reached their lowest (BEST) level in over 50 years!
Retweets: 22893
Favorites: 115019
April 21, 2019
Can you believe that I had to go through the worst and most corrupt political Witch Hunt in the history of the United States (No Collusion) when it was the 'other side' that illegally created the diversionary & criminal event and even spied on my campaign? Disgraceful!
Retweets: 41713
Favorites: 188006
April 21, 2019
How do you impeach a Republican President for a crime that was committed by the Democrats? MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
Retweets: 63426
Favorites: 269369
"Retweets" and "Favorites" data as of March 31, 2020

Donald J. Trump (1st Term), Tweets of April 21, 2019 Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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