Photo of Donald Trump

Tweets of August 29, 2019

August 29, 2019
Donald Trump (@realDonaldTrump) tweeted 14 times on August 29, 2019
Created: Tweets:
August 29, 2019
The Amazon Washington Post and @CNN just did a Fake Interview on Pardons for Aids on the Wall and that I didn't think the Wall on the Southern Border was that important to stop Illegals wanting to come into our Country. WRONG vitally important. Will make a BIG impact. So bad!
Retweets: 13977
Favorites: 57312
August 29, 2019
There has never been a time in the history of our Country that the Media was so Fraudulent Fake or Corrupt! When the 'Age of Trump' is looked back on many years from now I only hope that a big part of my legacy will be the exposing of massive dishonesty in the Fake News!
Retweets: 35597
Favorites: 145329
August 29, 2019
RT @mike_pence: During the last Administration the VA was removing Bibles & even banning Christmas carols to be politically correct but un'
Retweets: 15896
Favorites: 0
August 29, 2019
RT @GOP: 'Look what [@realDonaldTrump] did with Japan at the G7. This is a huge trade agreement he secured with them' agriculture beef bu'
Retweets: 11353
Favorites: 0
August 29, 2019
Puerto Rico is in great shape with Hurricane Dorian taking a largely different route than anticipated. Thank you to FEMA first responders and all for working so hard & being so well prepared. A great result! The bad news Florida get ready! Storm is building and will be BIG!
Retweets: 11089
Favorites: 50259
August 29, 2019
Hurricane Dorian looks like it will be hitting Florida late Sunday night. Be prepared and please follow State and Federal instructions it will be a very big Hurricane perhaps one of the biggest!
Retweets: 14130
Favorites: 59284
August 29, 2019
Crazy Lawrence O'Donnell who has been calling me wrong from even before I announced my run for the Presidency even being previously forced by NBC to apologize which he did while crying for things he said about me & The Apprentice was again forced to apologize this time.....
Retweets: 17705
Favorites: 85795
August 29, 2019
....for the most ridiculous claim of all that Russia Russia Russia or Russian oligarchs co-signed loan documents for me a guarantee. Totally false as is virtually everything else he and much of the rest of the LameStream Media has said about me for years. ALL APOLOGIZE!
Retweets: 16524
Favorites: 81599
August 29, 2019
The totally inaccurate reporting by Lawrence O'Donnell for which he has been forced by NBC to apologize is NO DIFFERENT than the horrible corrupt and fraudulent Fake News that I (and many millions of GREAT supporters) have had to put up with for years. So bad for the USA!
Retweets: 23650
Favorites: 97525
August 29, 2019
The Economy is doing GREAT with tremendous upside potential! If the Fed would do what they should we are a Rocket upward!
Retweets: 15072
Favorites: 65164
August 29, 2019
The Farmers are going to be so happy when they see what we are doing for Ethanol not even including the E-15 year around which is already done. It will be a giant package get ready! At the same time I was able to save the small refineries from certain closing. Great for all!
Retweets: 18348
Favorites: 81573
August 29, 2019
Perhaps never in the history of our Country has someone been more thoroughly disgraced and excoriated than James Comey in the just released Inspector General's Report. He should be ashamed of himself!
Retweets: 30889
Favorites: 122300
August 29, 2019
Establishment of the U.S. Space Command!
Retweets: 14510
Favorites: 53401
August 29, 2019
RT @NWS: There's an increasing chance for #Dorian to bring a triple-threat of dangers to the Florida east coast...??life-threatening storm'
Retweets: 8063
Favorites: 0
"Retweets" and "Favorites" data as of March 31, 2020

Donald J. Trump (1st Term), Tweets of August 29, 2019 Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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