Photo of Donald Trump

Tweets of December 11, 2015

December 11, 2015
Donald Trump tweeted 19 times on December 11, 2015
Created: Tweets:
December 11, 2015
An honor to be endorsed by the New England Police Benevolent Association. Thank you!
Retweets: 2762
Favorites: 6884
December 11, 2015
Thank you to @Franklin_Graham. I have always appreciated your courage, but now more so than ever!
Retweets: 1745
Favorites: 4761
December 11, 2015
In Britain, more Muslims join ISIS than join the British army.
Retweets: 4325
Favorites: 5489
December 11, 2015
Respected Morning Consult poll just out. I lead all Republicans and beat Hillary head to head by a wide margin- 45 to 40!
Retweets: 2568
Favorites: 6348
December 11, 2015
@edwards_cristy: @realDonaldTrump I hope that you will be the next POTUS.
Retweets: 751
Favorites: 2725
December 11, 2015
.@BernardGoldberg was not good tonight on @oreillyfactor. He just doesn't know about winning! But he is a nice guy.
Retweets: 991
Favorites: 3212
December 11, 2015
Great evening last night in New Hampshire. Got the endorsement from the New England Police Union - big territory, great people! Thank you.
Retweets: 1751
Favorites: 5399
December 11, 2015
.@Morning_Joe is so off on Iowa, which I am leading big in new @CNN poll. I will win Iowa. Also, I beat Hillary easily!
Retweets: 1314
Favorites: 3625
December 11, 2015
Looks like @tedcruz is getting ready to attack. I am leading by so much he must. I hope so, he will fall like all others. Will be easy!
Retweets: 2230
Favorites: 5981
December 11, 2015
.@tedcruz should not make statements behind closed doors to his bosses, he should bring them out into the open - more fun that way!
Retweets: 1817
Favorites: 4652
December 11, 2015
.@Morning_Joe just went off the rails. I will beat Hillary easily - she does not want to run against me. I am tuning them out, waste of time
Retweets: 1771
Favorites: 4930
December 11, 2015
.@chucktodd is a nice guy , but just hopeless. He knows so little about politics and, in particular, winning! I fixed his rating problem.
Retweets: 1406
Favorites: 4225
December 11, 2015
Our spectacular ballroom under construction at the great Turnberry resort in Scotland.
Retweets: 750
Favorites: 2410
December 11, 2015
Great news in Georgia! The just out Landmark poll shows me in first with 43%! Wow.
Retweets: 3238
Favorites: 6240
December 11, 2015
Never get good #'s from failing Des Moines Register/Bloomberg. I think something's going on w/them. Up 13 in IA according to respected CNN.
Retweets: 976
Favorites: 2808
December 11, 2015
Tom Ridge should be focused on trying to bring the party together rather than ripping it apart w/ your faulty thought process. I will win!
Retweets: 1608
Favorites: 4411
December 11, 2015
Tom Ridge is a failed 'Bushy' & PA Governor. Him & his friend @KarlRove shouldn't be allowed to do their bias commentary- nobody listens!
Retweets: 1374
Favorites: 3813
December 11, 2015
I will not let you down! #Trump2016 #MakeAmericaGreatAgain
Retweets: 2438
Favorites: 6162
December 11, 2015
Thank you! We are at 35% in new Reuters poll with #2 coming in at 12%. Time to #MakeAmericaGreatAgain!#Trump2016
Retweets: 2103
Favorites: 5012
"Retweets" and "Favorites" data as of July 20, 2020

Donald J. Trump (1st Term), Tweets of December 11, 2015 Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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