Photo of Donald Trump

Tweets of December 29, 2017

December 29, 2017
Donald Trump (@realDonaldTrump) tweeted 4 times on December 29, 2017
Created: Tweets:
December 29, 2017
In the East it could be the COLDEST New Years Eve on record. Perhaps we could use a little bit of that good old Global Warming that our Country but not other countries was going to pay TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS to protect against. Bundle up!
Retweets: 65929
Favorites: 204151
December 29, 2017
While the Fake News loves to talk about my so-called low approval rating @foxandfriends just showed that my rating on Dec. 28 2017 was approximately the same as President Obama on Dec. 28 2009 which was 47%...and this despite massive negative Trump coverage & Russia hoax!
Retweets: 23184
Favorites: 98172
December 29, 2017
Why is the United States Post Office which is losing many billions of dollars a year while charging Amazon and others so little to deliver their packages making Amazon richer and the Post Office dumber and poorer? Should be charging MUCH MORE!
Retweets: 27652
Favorites: 118765
December 29, 2017
The Democrats have been told and fully understand that there can be no DACA without the desperately needed WALL at the Southern Border and an END to the horrible Chain Migration & ridiculous Lottery System of Immigration etc. We must protect our Country at all cost!
Retweets: 35208
Favorites: 142106
"Retweets" and "Favorites" data as of October 31, 2019

Donald J. Trump (1st Term), Tweets of December 29, 2017 Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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