Photo of Donald Trump

Tweets of February 25, 2019

February 25, 2019
Donald Trump (@realDonaldTrump) tweeted 18 times on February 25, 2019
Created: Tweets:
February 25, 2019
We have a State of Emergency at our Southern Border. Border Patrol our Military and local Law Enforcement are doing a great job but without the Wall which is now under major construction you cannot have Border Security. Drugs Gangs and Human Trafficking must be stopped!
Retweets: 19898
Favorites: 92473
February 25, 2019
RT @realDonaldTrump: Highly respected Senator Richard Burr head of Senate Intelligence said after interviewing over 200 witnesses and st'
Retweets: 34707
Favorites: 0
February 25, 2019
Be nice if Spike Lee could read his notes or better yet not have to use notes at all when doing his racist hit on your President who has done more for African Americans (Criminal Justice Reform Lowest Unemployment numbers in History Tax Cutsetc.) than almost any other Pres!
Retweets: 31347
Favorites: 155609
February 25, 2019
Oil prices getting too high. OPEC please relax and take it easy. World cannot take a price hike - fragile!
Retweets: 17965
Favorites: 87410
February 25, 2019
RT @IvankaTrump: This Admin is committed to ensuring more Americans have the skills needed to secure better jobs in our strong economy. I'
Retweets: 7344
Favorites: 0
February 25, 2019
RT @realDonaldTrump: So funny to watch people who have failed for years they got NOTHING telling me how to negotiate with North Korea. Bu'
Retweets: 35740
Favorites: 0
February 25, 2019
Meeting for breakfast with our Nation's Governors - then off to Vietnam for a very important Summit with Kim Jong Un. With complete Denuclearization North Korea will rapidly become an Economic Powerhouse. Without it just more of the same. Chairman Kim will make a wise decision!
Retweets: 15959
Favorites: 76836
February 25, 2019
Former Senator Harry Reid (he got thrown out) is working hard to put a good spin on his failed career. He led through lies and deception only to be replaced by another beauty Cryin' Chuck Schumer. Some things just never change!
Retweets: 23541
Favorites: 102446
February 25, 2019
I hope our great Republican Senators don't get led down the path of weak and ineffective Border Security. Without strong Borders we don't have a Country - and the voters are on board with us. Be strong and smart don't fall into the Democrats 'trap' of Open Borders and Crime!
Retweets: 29496
Favorites: 119792
February 25, 2019
'Why on earth would any Republican vote not to put up a Wall or against Border Security. Please explain that to me?' @Varneyco
Retweets: 22582
Favorites: 107336
February 25, 2019
Since my election as President the Dow Jones is up 43% and the NASDAQ Composite almost 50%. Great news for your 401(k)s as they continue to grow. We are bringing back America faster than anyone thought possible!
Retweets: 25928
Favorites: 120657
February 25, 2019
Congratulations to @DJohnsonPGA on his 20th PGA Tour WIN. Not only is Dustin a truly great golfer he is a wonderful guy. Big year ahead for Dustin!
Retweets: 9339
Favorites: 66491
February 25, 2019
It is my honor today to announce that Danny Burch a United States citizen who has been held hostage in Yemen for 18 months has been recovered and reunited with his wife and children. I appreciate the support of the United Arab Emirates in bringing Danny home...
Retweets: 31511
Favorites: 155881
February 25, 2019
...Danny's recovery reflects the best of what the United States & its partners can accomplish.We work every day to bring Americans home. We maintain constant and intensive diplomatic intelligence and law enforcement cooperation within the United States Government and with...
Retweets: 14681
Favorites: 87461
February 25, 2019
...our foreign partners. Recovering American hostages is a priority of my Admin and with Danny's release we have now secured freedom for 20 American captives since my election victory. We will not rest as we continue our work to bring the remaining American hostages back home!
Retweets: 17531
Favorites: 96697
February 25, 2019
China Trade Deal (and more) in advanced stages. Relationship between our two Countries is very strong. I have therefore agreed to delay U.S. tariff hikes. Let's see what happens?
Retweets: 15973
Favorites: 79728
February 25, 2019
Heading over to Vietnam for my meeting with Kim Jong Un. Looking forward to a very productive Summit!
Retweets: 18591
Favorites: 108748
February 26, 2019
If a deal is made with China our great American Farmers will be treated better than they have ever been treated before!
Retweets: 21455
Favorites: 111613
"Retweets" and "Favorites" data as of March 31, 2020

Donald J. Trump (1st Term), Tweets of February 25, 2019 Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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