Photo of Donald Trump

Tweets of January 18, 2018

January 18, 2018
Donald Trump (@realDonaldTrump) tweeted 12 times on January 18, 2018
Created: Tweets:
January 18, 2018
And the FAKE NEWS winners are...
Retweets: 41677
Favorites: 112931
January 18, 2018
Despite some very corrupt and dishonest media coverage there are many great reporters I respect and lots of GOOD NEWS for the American people to be proud of!
Retweets: 22540
Favorites: 112497
January 18, 2018
ISIS is in retreat our economy is booming investments and jobs are pouring back into the country and so much more! Together there is nothing we can't overcome--even a very biased media. We ARE Making America Great Again!
Retweets: 40177
Favorites: 179374
January 18, 2018
The Wall is the Wall it has never changed or evolved from the first day I conceived of it. Parts will be of necessity see through and it was never intended to be built in areas where there is natural protection such as mountains wastelands or tough rivers or water.....
Retweets: 21731
Favorites: 94684
January 18, 2018
....The Wall will be paid for directly or indirectly or through longer term reimbursement by Mexico which has a ridiculous $71 billion dollar trade surplus with the U.S. The $20 billion dollar Wall is 'peanuts' compared to what Mexico makes from the U.S. NAFTA is a bad joke!
Retweets: 28282
Favorites: 112438
January 18, 2018
Will be going to Pennsylvania today in order to give my total support to RICK SACCONE running for Congress in a Special Election (March 13). Rick is a great guy. We need more Republicans to continue our already successful agenda!
Retweets: 17299
Favorites: 85634
January 18, 2018
We need the Wall for the safety and security of our country. We need the Wall to help stop the massive inflow of drugs from Mexico now rated the number one most dangerous country in the world. If there is no Wall there is no Deal!
Retweets: 29311
Favorites: 124070
January 18, 2018
CHIP should be part of a long term solution not a 30 Day or short term extension!
Retweets: 12110
Favorites: 62752
January 18, 2018
A government shutdown will be devastating to our military...something the Dems care very little about!
Retweets: 21966
Favorites: 90978
January 18, 2018
Departing Pittsburgh now where it was my great honor to stand with our incredible workers and to show the world that AMERICA is back - and we are coming back bigger and better and stronger than ever before!
Retweets: 15312
Favorites: 76045
January 18, 2018
AMERICA will once again be a NATION that thinks big dreams bigger and always reaches for the stars. YOU are the ones who will shape America's destiny. YOU are the ones who will restore our prosperity. And YOU are the ones who are MAKING AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! #MAGA
Retweets: 26240
Favorites: 103585
January 18, 2018
House of Representatives needs to pass Government Funding Bill tonight. So important for our country - our Military needs it!
Retweets: 20416
Favorites: 102080
"Retweets" and "Favorites" data as of October 31, 2019

Donald J. Trump (1st Term), Tweets of January 18, 2018 Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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