Photo of Donald Trump

Tweets of January 20, 2019

January 20, 2019
Donald Trump (@realDonaldTrump) tweeted 25 times on January 20, 2019
Created: Tweets:
January 20, 2019
Always heard that as President 'it's all about the economy!' Well we have one of the best economies in the history of our Country. Big GDP lowest unemployment companies coming back to the U.S. in BIG numbers great new trade deals happening & more. But LITTLE media mention!
Retweets: 23838
Favorites: 109033
January 20, 2019
Be careful and try staying in your house. Large parts of the Country are suffering from tremendous amounts of snow and near record setting cold. Amazing how big this system is. Wouldn't be bad to have a little of that good old fashioned Global Warming right now!
Retweets: 28079
Favorites: 127415
January 20, 2019
Nancy Pelosi and some of the Democrats turned down my offer yesterday before I even got up to speak. They don't see crime & drugs they only see 2020 - which they are not going to win. Best economy! They should do the right thing for the Country & allow people to go back to work.
Retweets: 29386
Favorites: 124486
January 20, 2019
No Amnesty is not a part of my offer. It is a 3 year extension of DACA. Amnesty will be used only on a much bigger deal whether on immigration or something else. Likewise there will be no big push to remove the 11000000 plus people who are here illegally-but be careful Nancy!
Retweets: 22734
Favorites: 94501
January 20, 2019
Nancy Pelosi has behaved so irrationally & has gone so far to the left that she has now officially become a Radical Democrat. She is so petrified of the 'lefties' in her party that she has lost control...And by the way clean up the streets in San Francisco they are disgusting!
Retweets: 41539
Favorites: 162528
January 20, 2019
Nancy I am still thinking about the State of the Union speech there are so many options - including doing it as per your written offer (made during the Shutdown security is no problem) and my written acceptance. While a contract is a contract I'll get back to you soon!
Retweets: 21950
Favorites: 101326
January 20, 2019
Wow just heard that my poll numbers with Hispanics has gone up 19% to 50%. That is because they know the Border issue better than anyone and they want Security which can only be gotten with a Wall.
Retweets: 34445
Favorites: 160643
January 20, 2019
Don't forget we are building and renovating big sections of Wall right now. Moving quickly and will cost far less than previous politicians thought possible. Building after all is what I do best even when money is not readily available!
Retweets: 28516
Favorites: 138281
January 20, 2019
Thank you David!
Retweets: 17319
Favorites: 73726
January 20, 2019
The Media is not giving us credit for the tremendous progress we have made with North Korea. Think of where we were at the end of the Obama Administration compared to now. Great meeting this week with top Reps. Looking forward to meeting with Chairman Kim at end of February!
Retweets: 23374
Favorites: 102505
January 20, 2019
Retweets: 26653
Favorites: 91174
January 20, 2019
RT @charliekirk11: Breaking:A new NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist poll shows Hispanic-Latino approval of President Donald Trump's job performance'
Retweets: 15158
Favorites: 0
January 20, 2019
RT @GOPChairwoman: Spot on.
Retweets: 10503
Favorites: 0
January 20, 2019
RT @GOP: 'I commend the President for his leadership in proposing this bold solution to reopen the government secure the border and take'
Retweets: 7636
Favorites: 0
January 20, 2019
RT @GOPLeader: President Trump has put forward a serious and reasonable offer to reform parts of our broken immigration system and reopen g'
Retweets: 10970
Favorites: 0
January 20, 2019
RT @marklevinshow: I strongly support President Trump's immigration proposal today. Pelosi & Schumer rejected it even before the president'
Retweets: 16444
Favorites: 0
January 20, 2019
RT @sendavidperdue: President Trump again spoke directly to the American people about the national security crisis at our southern border.'
Retweets: 9974
Favorites: 0
January 20, 2019
RT @SenatorWicker: I support President @realDonaldTrump's plan. I will absolutely vote for this proposal when @senatemajldr brings up the b'
Retweets: 10997
Favorites: 0
January 20, 2019
RT @LindseyGrahamSC: A fantastic proposal Mr. President! Let's get it done!
Retweets: 13714
Favorites: 0
January 20, 2019
RT @VP: Today @POTUS proposed a common sense plan to secure our border reopen our government and KEEP AMERICANS SAFE. Now it's time for C'
Retweets: 15877
Favorites: 0
January 20, 2019
RT @senrobportman: .@POTUS has laid out a constructive new proposal that contains the basis for a bipartisan agreement. It includes many of'
Retweets: 7707
Favorites: 0
January 20, 2019
RT @SenThomTillis: My statement on the President's proposal to end the partial government #shutdown through a compromise on border security'
Retweets: 5579
Favorites: 0
January 20, 2019
RT @marcorubio: @POTUS offers to support 2 bills sponsored by Dems (TPS & DACA extensions)in exchange for Border Security (something Democr'
Retweets: 9567
Favorites: 0
January 20, 2019
RT @SenJohnThune: My statement on @POTUS's proposal to end the shutdown:
Retweets: 6764
Favorites: 0
January 20, 2019
RT @RepMarkMeadows: This is the latest and most significant step yet of POTUS showing his willingness to negotiate and compromise with Demo'
Retweets: 16024
Favorites: 0
"Retweets" and "Favorites" data as of March 31, 2020

Donald J. Trump, Tweets of January 20, 2019 Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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