Photo of Donald Trump

Tweets of January 26, 2019

January 26, 2019
Donald Trump (@realDonaldTrump) tweeted 10 times on January 26, 2019
Created: Tweets:
January 26, 2019
I wish people would read or listen to my words on the Border Wall. This was in no way a concession. It was taking care of millions of people who were getting badly hurt by the Shutdown with the understanding that in 21 days if no deal is done it's off to the races!
Retweets: 50827
Favorites: 215029
January 26, 2019
If Roger Stone was indicted for lying to Congress what about the lying done by Comey Brennan Clapper Lisa Page & lover Baker and soooo many others? What about Hillary to FBI and her 33000 deleted Emails? What about Lisa & Peter's deleted texts & Wiener's laptop? Much more!
Retweets: 44170
Favorites: 152841
January 26, 2019
'I like the fact that the President is making the case (Border Security & Crime) to the American people. Now we know where Nancy Pelosi Chuck Schumer & the Democrats stand which is no Border Security. Will be big 2020 issue.' Matt Schlapp Chair ACU. Bigger than anyone knows!
Retweets: 19649
Favorites: 88606
January 26, 2019
21 days goes very quickly. Negotiations with Democrats will start immediately. Will not be easy to make a deal both parties very dug in. The case for National Security has been greatly enhanced by what has been happening at the Border & through dialogue. We will build the Wall!
Retweets: 23307
Favorites: 107062
January 26, 2019
We have turned away at great expense two major Caravans but a big one has now formed and is coming. At least 8000 people! If we had a powerful Wall they wouldn't even try to make the long and dangerous journey. Build the Wall and Crime will Fall!
Retweets: 30352
Favorites: 130444
January 26, 2019
Thank you to the Republican National Committee (the RNC) who voted UNANIMOUSLY yesterday to support me in the upcoming 2020 Election. Considering that we have done more than any Administration in the first two years this should be easy. More great things now in the works!
Retweets: 38807
Favorites: 205297
January 26, 2019
'We absolutely need a physical barrier or Wall whatever you want to call it. The President yesterday laid all that out. We need to do it all including the Wall. I provided the same information to the previous administration & it was ignored.' Mark Morgan Border Chief for 'O'!
Retweets: 28562
Favorites: 125923
January 26, 2019
Retweets: 32725
Favorites: 110528
January 26, 2019
Only fools or people with a political agenda don't want a Wall or Steel Barrier to protect our Country from Crime Drugs and Human Trafficking. It will happen - it always does!
Retweets: 32758
Favorites: 149753
January 26, 2019
'Ax falls quickly at BuzzFeed and Huffpost!' Headline New York Post. Fake News and bad journalism have caused a big downturn. Sadly many others will follow. The people want the Truth!
Retweets: 27742
Favorites: 119676
"Retweets" and "Favorites" data as of March 31, 2020

Donald J. Trump (1st Term), Tweets of January 26, 2019 Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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