Photo of Donald Trump

Tweets of March 9, 2020

March 09, 2020
Donald Trump (@realDonaldTrump) tweeted 18 times on March 9, 2020
Created: Tweets:
March 09, 2020
There are no mixed messages, only political weaponization by people like you and your brother, Fredo!
Retweets: 19643
Favorites: 76002
March 09, 2020
Working hard Lori!
Retweets: 9901
Favorites: 43250
March 09, 2020
A great book, support Charlie, BUY IT! Already Number One.
Retweets: 8293
Favorites: 34906
March 09, 2020
The Fake News Media and their partner, the Democrat Party, is doing everything within its semi-considerable power (it used to be greater!) to inflame the CoronaVirus situation, far beyond what the facts would warrant. Surgeon General, "The risk is low to the average American."
Retweets: 25985
Favorites: 90579
March 09, 2020
Cryin' Chuck Schumer said, "You will pay the price for this. You won't know what HIT YOU." That is far beyond simple rhetoric. That is a physical threat, or at least a threat that you better vote for us." Trouble ahead!
Retweets: 20778
Favorites: 80186
March 09, 2020
Elizabeth "Pocahontas" Warren singlehandedly destroyed the Bernie Sanders campaign by stripping voters away from his count on Super T. He lost states that he easily would have won if she had dropped out 3 days earlier. The DNC is doing it to Bernie again! Will he ever get angry?
Retweets: 17974
Favorites: 93534
March 09, 2020
Now the Democrats are trying to smear Bernie with Russia, Russia, Russia. They are driving him Crazy!
Retweets: 12023
Favorites: 56167
March 09, 2020
"Trump has outmastered the Deep State. He's light years ahead of us." MSDNC. I disagree. We have a long way to go. There are still some very bad, sick people in our government - people who do not love our Country (In fact, they hate our Country!).
Retweets: 23769
Favorites: 85653
March 09, 2020
The Obama/Biden Administration is the most corrupt Administration in the history of our Country!
Retweets: 48666
Favorites: 184625
March 09, 2020
Great job being done by the @VP and the CoronaVirus Task Force. Thank you!
Retweets: 14505
Favorites: 73246
March 09, 2020
The BEST decision made was the toughest of them all - which saved many lives. Our VERY early decision to stop travel to and from certain parts of the world!
Retweets: 23888
Favorites: 115856
March 09, 2020
So much FAKE NEWS!
Retweets: 29947
Favorites: 149599
March 09, 2020
Good for the consumer, gasoline prices coming down!
Retweets: 24024
Favorites: 126746
March 09, 2020
Saudi Arabia and Russia are arguing over the price and flow of oil. That, and the Fake News, is the reason for the market drop!
Retweets: 29129
Favorites: 110250
March 09, 2020
So last year 37,000 Americans died from the common Flu. It averages between 27,000 and 70,000 per year. Nothing is shut down, life & the economy go on. At this moment there are 546 confirmed cases of CoronaVirus, with 22 deaths. Think about that!
Retweets: 83030
Favorites: 291234
March 09, 2020
Congressman Michael Guest (@GuestCongress) is an incredible fighter for the Great State of Mississippi. Michael is strong on Crime and the Border, he loves our Military and Vets. Michael has my Complete and Total Endorsement! Get out and Vote for Michael tomorrow, March 10th!
Retweets: 14057
Favorites: 54986
March 09, 2020
Congressman @StevenPalazzo is doing a fantastic job for the people of Mississippi. He strongly supports our #MAGA Agenda. Steven will continue to protect your #2A, & Support our INCREDIBLE Vets & Military. Steven has my Complete Endorsement. VOTE for Steven tomorrow, March 10th!
Retweets: 11186
Favorites: 42476
March 09, 2020
THANK YOU, Jim, for your incredible support of our #MAGA Agenda! You are a tremendous Senator for the people of the Great State of Oklahoma and you have my Complete and Total Endorsement!
Retweets: 18031
Favorites: 63784
"Retweets" and "Favorites" data as of June 7, 2020

Donald J. Trump (1st Term), Tweets of March 9, 2020 Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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