Photo of Donald Trump

Tweets of May 12, 2019

May 12, 2019
Donald Trump (@realDonaldTrump) tweeted 28 times on May 12, 2019
Created: Tweets:
May 11, 2019
RT @GOPChairwoman: An Ohio manufacturing CEO explains that cracking down on China has meant stability and predictability for his business.'
Retweets: 13558
Favorites: 0
May 11, 2019
RT @TomFitton: Democratic leaders don't want to talk about the criminal conspiracy their party was involved in related to the illegal spyin'
Retweets: 10329
Favorites: 0
May 12, 2019
RT @realDonaldTrump: ....The only problem is that they know I am going to win (best economy & employment numbers in U.S. history & much mo'
Retweets: 20865
Favorites: 0
May 12, 2019
RT @realDonaldTrump: I think that China felt they were being beaten so badly in the recent negotiation that they may as well wait around fo'
Retweets: 26036
Favorites: 0
May 12, 2019
RT @realDonaldTrump: Such an easy way to avoid Tariffs? Make or produce your goods and products in the good old USA. It's very simple!
Retweets: 30048
Favorites: 0
May 12, 2019
'The Democrats have nothing. Just want to distract from this President. The FBI was not doing its job the State Department was covering things up everyday for Hillary. At the end of the day they're fearful of what they did and should be fearful. This is a tough.....
Retweets: 20507
Favorites: 88902
May 12, 2019
....President who is willing to have the battle and we have a great Attorney General who is willing to lead the battle and they are going to get to the bottom of it.' @EdRollins @LouDobbs
Retweets: 18446
Favorites: 82521
May 12, 2019
RT @VP: Under the leadership of @Potus Trump our economy is roaring. Businesses large and small have created more than 5.8 million jobs un'
Retweets: 8745
Favorites: 0
May 12, 2019
Think of it. I became President of the United States in one of the most hard fought and consequential elections in the history of our great nation. From long before I ever took office I was under a sick & unlawful investigation concerning what has become known as the Russian....
Retweets: 28918
Favorites: 130815
May 12, 2019
....Hoax. My campaign was being seriously spied upon by intel agencies and the Democrats. This never happened before in American history and it all turned out to be a total scam a Witch Hunt that yielded No Collusion No Obstruction. This must never be allowed to happen again!
Retweets: 26386
Favorites: 118976
May 12, 2019
Retweets: 14196
Favorites: 78845
May 12, 2019
Big attacks on Republicans and Conservatives by Social Media. Not good!
Retweets: 23238
Favorites: 95151
May 12, 2019
RT @TheRightMelissa: @RealCandaceO Because if they acknowledge the reality that Trump is neither of those things they would be essentially'
Retweets: 5943
Favorites: 0
May 12, 2019
RT @TheRightMelissa: @RealCandaceO Yap Candace! No one in their right mind believes the crazy looney toon things coming out of the left. T'
Retweets: 6115
Favorites: 0
May 12, 2019
RT @LisaMei62: .@KimStrassel discusses what she wrote about in her column today re: how very powerful people in DC are panicking because AG'
Retweets: 12914
Favorites: 0
May 12, 2019
RT @RichLowry: I know he won't do this because obviously the political narrative is important to him and people around him but Mueller sh'
Retweets: 4561
Favorites: 0
May 12, 2019
Retweets: 9825
Favorites: 34294
May 12, 2019
Really sad!
Retweets: 10466
Favorites: 40741
May 12, 2019
RT @TomFitton: Schiff knew. Comey knew. Obama knew. Susan Rice knew. Biden knew. Brennan knew. Clapper knew. Peter Strzok kne'
Retweets: 20537
Favorites: 0
May 12, 2019
RT @WhiteHouse: President @realDonaldTrump put forward 4 principles to protect American patients from the financial devastation of surprise'
Retweets: 8599
Favorites: 0
May 12, 2019
RT @GOPChairwoman: Republicans and @realDonaldTrump are delivering for Americans: *6M new jobs *Unemployment at 3.6% the lowest since'
Retweets: 9134
Favorites: 0
May 12, 2019
RT @GOPChairwoman: The @realDonaldTrump effect on the 2020 Senate Map: Chuck Schumer is 0-7 in recruiting Senate challengers!https://t.c'
Retweets: 6936
Favorites: 0
May 12, 2019
We are right where we want to be with China. Remember they broke the deal with us & tried to renegotiate. We will be taking in Tens of Billions of Dollars in Tariffs from China. Buyers of product can make it themselves in the USA (ideal) or buy it from non-Tariffed countries...
Retweets: 19411
Favorites: 90463
May 12, 2019
....We will then spend (match or better) the money that China may no longer be spending with our Great Patriot Farmers (Agriculture) which is a small percentage of total Tariffs received and distribute the food to starving people in nations around the world! GREAT! #MAGA
Retweets: 15564
Favorites: 73758
May 12, 2019
The Democrats new and pathetically untrue sound bite is that we are in a 'Constitutional Crisis.' They and their partner the Fake News Media are all told to say this as loud and as often as possible. They are a sad JOKE! We may have the strongest Economy in our history best...
Retweets: 19722
Favorites: 80657
May 12, 2019
....employment numbers ever low taxes & regulations a rebuilt military & V.A. many great new judges & so much more. But we have had a giant SCAM perpetrated upon our nation a Witch Hunt a Treasonous Hoax. That is the Constitutional Crisis & hopefully guilty people will pay!
Retweets: 17190
Favorites: 72618
May 12, 2019
Despite two years and millions of dollars spent the Democrats are acting like crazed lunatics ever since the results of the Mueller Report were made public. But they knew there was NOTHING even before the Report was started. It is all a big Hoax the biggest in American history!
Retweets: 16251
Favorites: 63912
May 12, 2019
Ever since the Mueller Report showed No Collusion & No Obstruction the Dems have been working overtime to damage me and the Republican Party by issuing over 80 demands for documents and testimonies and with NO REASON. That's all they want to do - don't care about anything else!
Retweets: 17662
Favorites: 69348
"Retweets" and "Favorites" data as of March 31, 2020

Donald J. Trump (1st Term), Tweets of May 12, 2019 Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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