Photo of Donald Trump

Tweets of May 20, 2016

May 20, 2016
Donald Trump tweeted 15 times on May 20, 2016
Created: Tweets:
May 20, 2016
I said that Crooked Hillary Clinton is "not qualified" to be president because she has "very bad judgement" - Bernie said the same thing!
Retweets: 5476
Favorites: 17109
May 20, 2016
Crooked Hillary has zero imagination and even less stamina. ISIS, China, Russia and all would love for her to be president. 4 more years!
Retweets: 4779
Favorites: 14610
May 20, 2016
Look where the world is today, a total mess, and ISIS is still running around wild. I can fix it fast, Hillary has no chance!
Retweets: 5946
Favorites: 17320
May 20, 2016
Crooked Hillary Clinton looks presidential? I don't think so! Four more years of Obama and our country will never come back. ISIS LAUGHS!
Retweets: 6192
Favorites: 18623
May 20, 2016
Crooked Hillary can't even close the deal with Bernie - and the Dems have it rigged in favor of Hillary. Four more years of this? No way!
Retweets: 6385
Favorites: 20388
May 20, 2016
A Call for Unity by Jason Greenblatt @JasonDovEsq
Retweets: 2119
Favorites: 6328
May 20, 2016
I am on my way! See you all soon!
Retweets: 2741
Favorites: 8011
May 20, 2016
Crooked Hillary Clinton- discussing the #SecondAmendment at a private event. #2A cc: @NRA
Retweets: 6653
Favorites: 12036
May 20, 2016
Thanks @piersmorgan! "Trump is the most unpredictable, extraordinary, entertaining&massively popular candidate this country has ever seen."
Retweets: 4824
Favorites: 15593
May 20, 2016
Failing @NYTimes will always take a good story about me and make it bad. Every article is unfair and biased. Very sad!
Retweets: 3726
Favorites: 12251
May 20, 2016
Thank you! An honor to be the first candidate ever endorsed by the @NRA- prior to @GOPconvention! #Trump2016 #2A
Retweets: 6909
Favorites: 17330
May 20, 2016
Great day in Kentucky with Wayne LaPierre, Chris Cox & the @NRA! #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #Trump2016
Retweets: 4755
Favorites: 15431
May 20, 2016
Thank you for your wonderful endorsement today @TGowdySC. It means a great deal to me. We will not disappoint! #Trump2016
Retweets: 4850
Favorites: 13781
May 20, 2016
@montgomeriefdn: @TrumpTurnberry Best Links Course in Britain. Ailsa Course opens June '16 Can't wait to play it
Retweets: 1980
Favorites: 8379
May 20, 2016
@montgomeriefdn Colin, great to have you at Trump Turnberry. So proud of you and your GREAT playing! You made winning MAJORS look easy!
Retweets: 1158
Favorites: 3338
"Retweets" and "Favorites" data as of July 20, 2020

Donald J. Trump (1st Term), Tweets of May 20, 2016 Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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