Photo of Donald Trump

Tweets of May 23, 2018

May 23, 2018
Donald Trump (@realDonaldTrump) tweeted 16 times on May 23, 2018
Created: Tweets:
May 23, 2018
For the first time since Roe v. Wade America has a Pro-Life President a Pro-Life Vice President a Pro-Life House of Representatives and 25 Pro-Life Republican State Capitals!
Retweets: 20418
Favorites: 83467
May 23, 2018
If the person placed very early into my campaign wasn't a SPY put there by the previous Administration for political purposes how come such a seemingly massive amount of money was paid for services rendered - many times higher than normal...
Retweets: 25352
Favorites: 92898
May 23, 2018
...Follow the money! The spy was there early in the campaign and yet never reported Collusion with Russia because there was no Collusion. He was only there to spy for political reasons and to help Crooked Hillary win - just like they did to Bernie Sanders who got duped!
Retweets: 24289
Favorites: 85532
May 23, 2018
@foxandfriends 'New Bombshell in the Obama Spying Scandal. Did other Agencies SPY on Trump Campaign?' Even Clapper worlds dumbest former Intelligence Head who has the problem of lying a lot used the word SPY when describing the illegal activities!
Retweets: 4649
Favorites: 11397
May 23, 2018
Look how things have turned around on the Criminal Deep State. They go after Phony Collusion with Russia a made up Scam and end up getting caught in a major SPY scandal the likes of which this country may never have seen before! What goes around comes around!
Retweets: 34137
Favorites: 115107
May 23, 2018
'It's clear that they had eyes and ears all over the Trump Campaign' Judge Andrew Napolitano
Retweets: 15403
Favorites: 62228
May 23, 2018
SPYGATE could be one of the biggest political scandals in history!
Retweets: 24518
Favorites: 90991
May 23, 2018
Everybody is with Tomi Lahren a truly outstanding and respected young woman! @foxandfriends
Retweets: 16248
Favorites: 88285
May 23, 2018
'Trump should be happy that the FBI was SPYING on his campaign' No James Clapper I am not happy. Spying on a campaign would be illegal and a scandal to boot!
Retweets: 26736
Favorites: 94546
May 23, 2018
Our Trade Deal with China is moving along nicely but in the end we will probably have to use a different structure in that this will be too hard to get done and to verify results after completion.
Retweets: 11537
Favorites: 57699
May 23, 2018
Big legislation will be signed by me shortly. After many years RIGHT TO TRY and big changes to DODD FRANK.
Retweets: 13988
Favorites: 63659
May 23, 2018
There will be big news coming soon for our great American Autoworkers. After many decades of losing your jobs to other countries you have waited long enough!
Retweets: 19136
Favorites: 87991
May 23, 2018
Retweets: 23707
Favorites: 94347
May 23, 2018
Thank you @SBAList! #SBAGala
Retweets: 7504
Favorites: 34365
May 23, 2018
Today on Long Island we were all moved to be joined by families who have suffered unthinkable heartbreak at the hands of MS-13. I was truly honored to be joined again by the courageous families who were my guests at the State of the Union...
Retweets: 13822
Favorites: 61136
May 23, 2018
Crippling loopholes in our laws have enabled MS-13 gang members and other criminals to infiltrate our communities - and Democrats in Congress REFUSE to close these loopholes including the disgraceful practice known as Catch-and-Release. Democrats must abandon their resistance...
Retweets: 17568
Favorites: 63373
"Retweets" and "Favorites" data as of October 31, 2019

Donald J. Trump (1st Term), Tweets of May 23, 2018 Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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