Photo of Donald Trump

Tweets of May 25, 2018

May 25, 2018
Donald Trump (@realDonaldTrump) tweeted 13 times on May 25, 2018
Created: Tweets:
May 25, 2018
I will be making the Commencment Address today at the United States Naval Academy in Annapolis Maryland. Look forward to being with some of the greatest people on earth!
Retweets: 9164
Favorites: 48724
May 25, 2018
The Democrats are now alluding to the the concept that having an Informant placed in an opposing party's campaign is different than having a Spy as illegal as that may be. But what about an 'Informant' who is paid a fortune and who 'sets up' way earlier than the Russian Hoax?
Retweets: 18625
Favorites: 68649
May 25, 2018
Can anyone even imagine having Spies placed in a competing campaign by the people and party in absolute power for the sole purpose of political advantage and gain? And to think that the party in question even with the expenditure of far more money LOST!
Retweets: 23521
Favorites: 94519
May 25, 2018
'Everyone knows there was a Spy and in fact the people who were involved in the Spying are admitting that there was a Spy...Widespread Spying involving multiple people.' Mollie Hemingway The Federalist Senior Editor But the corrupt Mainstream Media hates this monster story!
Retweets: 21766
Favorites: 78598
May 25, 2018
Democrats are so obviously rooting against us in our negotiations with North Korea. Just like they are coming to the defense of MS 13 thugs saying that they are individuals & must be nurtured or asking to end your big Tax Cuts & raise your taxes instead. Dems have lost touch!
Retweets: 26952
Favorites: 97482
May 25, 2018
Very good news to receive the warm and productive statement from North Korea. We will soon see where it will lead hopefully to long and enduring prosperity and peace. Only time (and talent) will tell!
Retweets: 24085
Favorites: 101539
May 25, 2018
Today it was my great honor to deliver the 2018 Commencement Address at the United States @NavalAcademy in Annapolis Maryland. Congratulations!Good luck. Godspeed. And ANCHORS AWEIGH!
Retweets: 10995
Favorites: 54433
May 25, 2018
On behalf of the American People CONGRATULATIONS! We love you!
Retweets: 18660
Favorites: 89352
May 25, 2018
To the @NavalAcademy Class of 2018 I say: We know you are up to the task. We know you will make us proud. We know that glory will be yours. Because you are WINNERS you are WARRIORS you are FIGHTERS you are CHAMPIONS and YOU will lead us to VICTORY! God Bless the U.S.A.!
Retweets: 17499
Favorites: 72090
May 25, 2018
Chicago Police have every right to legally protest against the mayor and an administration that just won't let them do their job. The killings are at a record pace and tough police work which Chicago will not allow would bring things back to order fast...the killings must stop!
Retweets: 25737
Favorites: 104526
May 25, 2018
Funny to watch the Democrats criticize Trade Deals being negotiated by me when they don't even know what the deals are and when for 8 years the Obama Administration did NOTHING on trade except let other countries rip off the United States. Lost almost $800 Billion/year under 'O'
Retweets: 32107
Favorites: 118321
May 25, 2018
Senator Schumer and Obama Administration let phone company ZTE flourish with no security checks. I closed it down then let it reopen with high level security guarantees change of management and board must purchase U.S. parts and pay a $1.3 Billion fine. Dems do nothing....
Retweets: 24835
Favorites: 93951
May 25, 2018
...but complain and obstruct. They made only bad deals (Iran) and their so-called Trade Deals are the laughing stock of the world!
Retweets: 14578
Favorites: 65667
"Retweets" and "Favorites" data as of October 31, 2019

Donald J. Trump (1st Term), Tweets of May 25, 2018 Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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