Photo of Donald Trump

Tweets of November 13, 2019

November 13, 2019
Donald Trump (@realDonaldTrump) tweeted 40 times on November 13, 2019
Created: Tweets:
November 13, 2019
DACA recipients with arrest records: 53792! That is a very large proportion of the total. @LouDobbs Not good but we will be able to make a deal with the Dems!
Retweets: 17357
Favorites: 64540
November 13, 2019
'This ridiculous Impeachment is a travesty it's not an inquiry. Just read the transcript.' @LouDobbs
Retweets: 18385
Favorites: 85046
November 13, 2019
'The circus is coming to town. The corrupt compromised coward & congenital liar Adam Schiff Show on Capital Hill brought to you by his raging psychotic Democrats & the top allies in the Media Mob. Everything you're going to see in the next two weeks is rigged.....
Retweets: 24712
Favorites: 91984
November 13, 2019
....This is a phony showtrial. There is zero due process none. It is yet another fraudulent hoax conspiracy theory. It is another Witch Hunt. This is what the Socialist Doemocrat Party has become. There's not one thing the Democrats have done in the past 3 years except try...
Retweets: 13466
Favorites: 53761
November 13, 2019
03:33:45 hurt Donald Trump and we the people that support him. The Left has never accepted the results of the 2016 Election. They never saw this coming. This is not just about President Trump. They hate everyone he is representing.' @seanhannity @FoxNews Sean the amazing warrior!
Retweets: 13637
Favorites: 54479
November 13, 2019
'Millions of Americans will see what a partisan sham this whole thing is.' Rush Limbaugh @foxandfriends Also why is corrupt politician Schiff allowed to hand over cross examination to a high priced outside lawyer. Did that lawyer ever work for me which would be a conflict?
Retweets: 20790
Favorites: 82798
November 13, 2019
The Democrats have stacked the deck against President Trump and the Republicans. They have leaked out everything. @SteveDoocy @foxandfriends
Retweets: 12910
Favorites: 52932
November 13, 2019
'Nancy Pelosi cares more about power than she does about principle. She did not want to go down this road. She realizes this is a huge loser for Democrats. The Founders envisioned the worst people being in politics yet they couldn't envision this. You have these people taking...
Retweets: 15818
Favorites: 59700
November 13, 2019
...the most powerful tool the legislative branch has Impeachment & they've turned it into a political cudgel which is not at all what the Founders intended. When you hear Schiff use all these words like quid pro quo it is because they can't specify that Donald Trump broke..
Retweets: 10340
Favorites: 40493
November 13, 2019
....any laws or did anything wrong and they have to move away from quid pro quo because there was no quid and there was no quo. Ukraine got it's money (3 weeks early) and there was no investigation.' @CharlesHurt @foxandfriends
Retweets: 10120
Favorites: 39486
November 13, 2019
Retweets: 12802
Favorites: 65789
November 13, 2019
Retweets: 23621
Favorites: 113173
November 13, 2019
RT @WhiteHouse: New hoax. Same swamp.
Retweets: 12089
Favorites: 0
November 13, 2019
RT @GOPoversight: .@RepAdamSchiff's sham #impeachment hearings begin today. But make no mistake Democrats have been out to get the Presi'
Retweets: 7870
Favorites: 0
November 13, 2019
RT @RepMarkMeadows: 4 inconvenient facts for the Democrat impeachment fantasy:- Call transcript shows zero link between aid and political'
Retweets: 10511
Favorites: 0
November 13, 2019
RT @RepJimBanks: Today America will see one party try and overturn the constitutional election of a president of the United States of Amer'
Retweets: 6553
Favorites: 0
November 13, 2019
RT @RepLizCheney: Just minutes after President Trump took his oath of office on Inauguration Day 2017 the Washington Post ran a piece ushe'
Retweets: 9690
Favorites: 0
November 13, 2019
RT @GOPLeader: This ?? is ?? a ?? sham ??? Democrats are refusing access to important witnesses.? The President's legal counsel is not allowe'
Retweets: 10474
Favorites: 0
November 13, 2019
RT @RepMarkMeadows: Reminder: the Chairman was caught misleading a reporter about communication with the whistleblower barely four weeks a'
Retweets: 9922
Favorites: 0
November 13, 2019
RT @GOPoversight: FACT CHECK: Neither Ambassador Taylor nor George Kent have first-hand knowledge of a quid pro quo from the President. W'
Retweets: 7142
Favorites: 0
November 13, 2019
RT @HouseGOP: Adam Schiff just claimed he doesn't know the whistleblower's identity.He deliberately mislead the public about his office's'
Retweets: 12176
Favorites: 0
November 13, 2019
RT @GOPLeader: WATCH: @DevinNunes: "After vowing publicly that impeachment requires bipartisan support Democrats are pushing impeachment'
Retweets: 12661
Favorites: 0
November 13, 2019
RT @GOPLeader: .@Jim_Jordan to Chairman Schiff: "Of the 435 members of Congress you are the only Member who knows who the whistleblower is'
Retweets: 14952
Favorites: 0
November 13, 2019
Retweets: 20111
Favorites: 59505
November 13, 2019
RT @WhiteHouse: "They're trying to stop me because I'm fighting for you. And I'll never let that happen." ' President @realDonaldTrump htt'
Retweets: 30963
Favorites: 0
November 13, 2019
RT @RepLeeZeldin: Schiff isn't even trying to hide it. He is the prosecutor judge jury witness coach & lead story teller of this kangaro'
Retweets: 19237
Favorites: 0
November 13, 2019
RT @TomFitton: If Schiff doesn't know who the "whistleblower" is -- how can he protect his identity. Cover-up!
Retweets: 16848
Favorites: 0
November 13, 2019
RT @SteveScalise: Meet the 'star witnesses' Adam Schiff called today:- Neither have any firsthand knowledge- Neither spoke to @realDonal'
Retweets: 25043
Favorites: 0
November 13, 2019
RT @SteveScalise: Schiff has emerged from his bunker to put on a public show. But the facts haven't changed. - @realDonaldTrump and Zelen'
Retweets: 14406
Favorites: 0
November 13, 2019
RT @RepArrington: Today @HouseDemocrats hijacked our @WaysMeansCmte hearing room for their political impeachment circus.Their obsession'
Retweets: 9789
Favorites: 0
November 13, 2019
RT @RepKevinBrady: Under @HouseGOP Majority the @WaysandMeansGOP hearing room was used to improve the lives of Americans with things like'
Retweets: 6010
Favorites: 0
November 13, 2019
RT @GOPoversight: WATCH: @RepAdamSchiff changes the rules in the middle of his #impeachment hearing. We're not surprised.Schiff's impea'
Retweets: 10234
Favorites: 0
November 13, 2019
RT @RepMattGaetz: Their star witness knows nothing. #ImpeachmentHearings @Jim_Jordan
Retweets: 21441
Favorites: 0
November 13, 2019
RT @Jim_Jordan: .@RepAdamSchiff is the ONLY member of Congress who knows the identity of the 'Whistleblower' who started this entire sham.'
Retweets: 17166
Favorites: 0
November 13, 2019
RT @GOPoversight: ?? WATCH: Democrats ask star witness about alleged quid pro quo. Star witness admits he has no first-hand knowledge of t'
Retweets: 11179
Favorites: 0
November 13, 2019
RT @HouseGOP: It's NOT about the facts...It's NOT about fairness...It's NOT about finding the truth for the American people...For Hou'
Retweets: 11791
Favorites: 0
November 13, 2019
RT @GOPoversight: Days since @RepAdamSchiff learned the identity of the whistleblower: 93
Retweets: 6024
Favorites: 0
November 13, 2019
RT @GOPoversight: ' No first-hand knowledge.' Never spoke to President Trump.' Never spoke to Rudy Giuliani.' Never spoke to Mick Mulvan'
Retweets: 11892
Favorites: 0
November 13, 2019
RT @RepMarkMeadows: Listen to @Jim_Jordan review the unbelievable amount of hearsay these allegations are based on. Spread it far and wide.'
Retweets: 26640
Favorites: 0
November 13, 2019
RT @SteveScalise: "What I can do here for you today is tell you what I heard from people."The Dems' star witness just said he had no firs'
Retweets: 18743
Favorites: 0
"Retweets" and "Favorites" data as of March 31, 2020

Donald J. Trump (1st Term), Tweets of November 13, 2019 Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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