Photo of Donald Trump

Tweets of November 21, 2018

November 21, 2018
Donald Trump (@realDonaldTrump) tweeted 11 times on November 21, 2018
Created: Tweets:
November 21, 2018
So-called comedian Michelle Wolf bombed so badly last year at the White House Correspondents' Dinner that this year for the first time in decades they will have an author instead of a comedian. Good first step in comeback of a dying evening and tradition! Maybe I will go?
Retweets: 22461
Favorites: 123576
November 21, 2018
Retweets: 43074
Favorites: 183664
November 21, 2018
Oil prices getting lower. Great! Like a big Tax Cut for America and the World. Enjoy! $54 was just $82. Thank you to Saudi Arabia but let's go lower!
Retweets: 30478
Favorites: 115893
November 21, 2018
Retweets: 42711
Favorites: 195294
November 21, 2018
''Trump Imitation Syndrome' is afflicting the president's liberal enemies' Thank you @MGoodwin_NYPost!
Retweets: 11275
Favorites: 42332
November 21, 2018
Great new book out 'Mad Politics: Keeping Your Sanity in a World Gone Crazy' by @RealDrGina Loudon. Go out and get your copy today ' a great read!
Retweets: 12836
Favorites: 55311
November 21, 2018
Sorry Chief Justice John Roberts but you do indeed have 'Obama judges' and they have a much different point of view than the people who are charged with the safety of our country. It would be great if the 9th Circuit was indeed an 'independent judiciary' but if it is why......
Retweets: 23967
Favorites: 88727
November 21, 2018
.....are so many opposing view (on Border and Safety) cases filed there and why are a vast number of those cases overturned. Please study the numbers they are shocking. We need protection and security - these rulings are making our country unsafe! Very dangerous and unwise!
Retweets: 22417
Favorites: 89238
November 21, 2018
'Thank you to President Trump on the Border. No American President has ever done this before.' Hector Garza National Border Patrol Council
Retweets: 18323
Favorites: 78881
November 21, 2018
There are a lot of CRIMINALS in the Caravan. We will stop them. Catch and Detain! Judicial Activism by people who know nothing about security and the safety of our citizens is putting our country in great danger. Not good!
Retweets: 25090
Favorites: 100552
November 21, 2018
'79% of these decisions have been overturned in the 9th Circuit.' @FoxNews A terrible costly and dangerous disgrace. It has become a dumping ground for certain lawyers looking for easy wins and delays. Much talk over dividing up the 9th Circuit into 2 or 3 Circuits. Too big!
Retweets: 20603
Favorites: 77622
"Retweets" and "Favorites" data as of October 31, 2019

Donald J. Trump (1st Term), Tweets of November 21, 2018 Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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