Photo of Donald Trump

Tweets of November 5, 2015

November 05, 2015
Donald Trump tweeted 9 times on November 5, 2015
Created: Tweets:
November 05, 2015
Jeb Bush just said about Marco Rubio, "he's my friend!" Pure political speak. Why can't he be truthful and say "disloyal guy, no friend!"
Retweets: 1105
Favorites: 2613
November 05, 2015
@Destiny: Why didn't @seanhannity correct Jeb when he said @realDonaldTrump has run 4 president 2X B4~Jeb needs 2B corrected b/c he lied.
Retweets: 592
Favorites: 1279
November 05, 2015
@lizzym420: @amrightnow @realDonaldTrump What other candidate begins to rival Trump in his knowledge, breadth of issues, stamina? Thanks!
Retweets: 656
Favorites: 1429
November 05, 2015
@Hanan_Khan2: @realDonaldTrump I am a lifelong democrat. And I will be voting trump!!!! #democratsfortrump Great!
Retweets: 918
Favorites: 2074
November 05, 2015
.@seanhannity should have corrected Jeb Bush when he said that I "ran for president twice." Never ran, merely considered running!
Retweets: 995
Favorites: 2277
November 05, 2015
@curtismuddog: @destiny @seanhannity JEB'S! Whole campaign is fueled by lies. Just like his brother lied about Iraq. BUSH DYNASTY=LIES
Retweets: 685
Favorites: 1552
November 05, 2015
@TeamSpringsteen: @realDonaldTrump I just finished reading Crippled America. It's a detailed blueprint to get America back on track.
Retweets: 828
Favorites: 1814
November 05, 2015
@marklindsay78: @Hanan_Khan2 @realDonaldTrump poll numbers are higher then most think, no one is asking Democrats if they are voting Trump
Retweets: 1173
Favorites: 2469
November 05, 2015
Rubio lied about my meeting w/ Hispanic activists. I didn't change my opinion but treated them w/ respect. Shame!
Retweets: 1820
Favorites: 3316
"Retweets" and "Favorites" data as of July 20, 2020

Donald J. Trump (1st Term), Tweets of November 5, 2015 Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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