Photo of Donald Trump

Tweets of November 5, 2018

November 05, 2018
Donald Trump (@realDonaldTrump) tweeted 16 times on November 5, 2018
Created: Tweets:
November 05, 2018
Thank you for joining us tonight in Tennessee @TheLeeGreenwood. GOD BLESS THE U.S.A.!
Retweets: 23545
Favorites: 85935
November 05, 2018
In just 2 days the people of Tennessee are going to elect @VoteMarsha Blackburn to the United States Senate to protect your jobs defend your borders and CONTINUE MAKING AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Get out on Tuesday and VOTE for Marsha!
Retweets: 13730
Favorites: 49281
November 05, 2018
John James running as a Republican for the Senate from Michigan is a spectacular young star of the future. We should make him a star of the present. A distinguished West Point Grad and Vet people should Vote Out Schumer Puppet Debbie Stabenow who does nothing for Michigan!
Retweets: 23662
Favorites: 81174
November 05, 2018
Dana Rohrabacher has been a great Congressman for his District and for the people of Cal. He works hard and is respected by all - he produces! Dems are desperate to replace Dana by spending vast sums to elect a super liberal who is weak on Crime and bad for our Military & Vets!
Retweets: 15285
Favorites: 55489
November 05, 2018
.@DebbieStabenow voted against Tax Cuts great Healthcare Supreme Court Justices and all of the many things the people of Michigan wanted and need. She is an automatic far left vote controlled by her bosses. John James can be a truly great Senator!
Retweets: 14973
Favorites: 50467
November 05, 2018
If @AndrewGillum did the same job with Florida that he has done in Tallahassee as Mayor the State will be a crime ridden overtaxed mess. @RonDeSantisFL will be a great Governor. VOTE!!!!!!
Retweets: 18592
Favorites: 60703
November 05, 2018
No matter what she says Senator Claire McCaskill will always vote against us and the Great State of Missouri! Vote for Josh Hawley - he will be a great Senator!
Retweets: 20920
Favorites: 78128
November 05, 2018
I need @claudiatenney of #NY22 to be re-elected in order to get our big plans moving. Her opponent would be a disaster. Nobody works harder than Claudia and she is a producer. I look forward to working together with her - she has my Strongest Endorsement! Vote Claudia!
Retweets: 13337
Favorites: 48122
November 05, 2018
So funny to see the CNN Fake Suppression Polls and false rhetoric. Watch for real results Tuesday. We are lucky CNN's ratings are so low. Don't fall for the Suppression Game. Go out & VOTE. Remember we now have perhaps the greatest Economy (JOBS) in the history of our Country!
Retweets: 31464
Favorites: 105477
November 05, 2018
REMEMBER FLORIDA: I have been President of the United States for almost two years. During that time Senator Bill Nelson didn't call me once. Rick Scott called constantly requesting dollars plus for Florida. Did a GREAT job on hurricanes. VOTE SCOTT!
Retweets: 21963
Favorites: 78359
November 05, 2018
Law Enforcement has been strongly notified to watch closely for any ILLEGAL VOTING which may take place in Tuesday's Election (or Early Voting). Anyone caught will be subject to the Maximum Criminal Penalties allowed by law. Thank you!
Retweets: 36667
Favorites: 129974
November 05, 2018
'Bill Nelson is kind of an empty figure in Washington. You never hear his name he's never in debates on key issues - he is just under the radar.' Chris Wallace on @FoxNews In other words Nelson is a 'stiff.'
Retweets: 16198
Favorites: 61156
November 05, 2018
Something's happening America! Get out tomorrow and so together we can KEEP MAKING AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!!
Retweets: 18080
Favorites: 57446
November 05, 2018
Thank you Ohio! When you enter the voting booth tomorrow you will be making a simple choice. A vote for Republicans is a vote to continue our extraordinary prosperity. A vote for Dems is a vote to bring this Economic Boom crashing to a sudden screeching halt. Vote @MikeDeWine!
Retweets: 11197
Favorites: 41329
November 05, 2018
Republicans have created the best economy in the HISTORY of our Country ' and the hottest jobs market on planet earth. The Democrat Agenda is a Socialist Nightmare. The Republican Agenda is the AMERICAN DREAM!
Retweets: 13206
Favorites: 44652
November 05, 2018
Just landed in Fort Wayne Indiana for a #MAGARally at the Allen County War Memorial Coliseum. See everyone soon!
Retweets: 8995
Favorites: 38970
"Retweets" and "Favorites" data as of October 31, 2019

Donald J. Trump (1st Term), Tweets of November 5, 2018 Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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