Photo of Donald Trump

Tweets of October 4, 2019

October 04, 2019
Donald Trump (@realDonaldTrump) tweeted 36 times on October 4, 2019
Created: Tweets:
October 03, 2019
...blowing MASSIVE holes inside of the theory the narrative that Chairman Schiff has been providing to the public. @RepLeeZeldin
Retweets: 13901
Favorites: 46002
October 04, 2019
As the President of the United States I have an absolute right perhaps even a duty to investigate or have investigated CORRUPTION and that would include asking or suggesting other Countries to help us out!
Retweets: 42028
Favorites: 183640
October 04, 2019
Another big loss for the Do Nothing Dems!
Retweets: 10689
Favorites: 39588
October 04, 2019
RT @JesseBWatters: 'Just because Joe Biden is running against President @realdonaldtrump doesn't mean he's above the law.' #TheFive https:/'
Retweets: 16741
Favorites: 0
October 04, 2019
RT @realDonaldTrump: Today at The Villages in Florida it was my great honor to sign an Executive Order on protecting and improving Medicar'
Retweets: 10612
Favorites: 0
October 04, 2019
RT @realDonaldTrump: The Greatest Witch Hunt in the history of our Country!
Retweets: 15599
Favorites: 0
October 04, 2019
RT @FLOTUS: A great first day in #WY. Met w/ Jackson District @boyscouts at the elk antler arches in town square learning about their conse'
Retweets: 15376
Favorites: 0
October 04, 2019
The Do Nothing Democrats don't have time to get it done!
Retweets: 11463
Favorites: 41853
October 04, 2019
AOC is a Wack Job!
Retweets: 26517
Favorites: 113881
October 04, 2019
Great job Jim!
Retweets: 12937
Favorites: 49349
October 04, 2019
We are simultaneously fighting the Fake News Media and their partner the Democrat Party. Always tough to beat the 'Press' but people are beginning to see how totally CORRUPT they are and it makes our job a whole lot easier!
Retweets: 23080
Favorites: 85934
October 04, 2019
This isn't about a Campaign this is about Corruption on a massive scale!
Retweets: 22501
Favorites: 79950
October 04, 2019
'They (Do Nothing Dems) are trying to nullify an election...' Joe diGenova
Retweets: 15036
Favorites: 49178
October 04, 2019
Nancy Pelosi today on @GMA actually said that Adam Schiffty Schiff didn't fabricate my words in a major speech before Congress. She either had no idea what she was saying in other words lost it or she lied. Even Clinton lover @GStephanopoulos strongly called her out. Sue her?
Retweets: 24672
Favorites: 94671
October 04, 2019
Retweets: 18470
Favorites: 52102
October 04, 2019
RT @realDonaldTrump: This isn't about a Campaign this is about Corruption on a massive scale!
Retweets: 22501
Favorites: 0
October 04, 2019
The Washington Times 'Ukraine envoy blows 'massive hole' into Democrat accusations. Republicans at hearing find no Trump Pressure.' The Ukrainian President also strongly stated that NO pressure was put on him. Case Closed!
Retweets: 19964
Favorites: 74558
October 04, 2019
As President I have an obligation to end CORRUPTION even if that means requesting the help of a foreign country or countries. It is done all the time. This has NOTHING to do with politics or a political campaign against the Bidens. This does have to do with their corruption!
Retweets: 38645
Favorites: 151020
October 04, 2019
Breaking News: Unemployment Rate at 3.5% drops to a 50 YEAR LOW. Wow America lets impeach your President (even though he did nothing wrong!).
Retweets: 38264
Favorites: 168564
October 04, 2019
The Whistleblower who had the facts wrong about the phone call reached out and more to the Democrat controlled House Intelligence Committee. Schiff never told us about this!
Retweets: 18305
Favorites: 71431
October 04, 2019
Retweets: 26952
Favorites: 115009
October 04, 2019
'When your making an unsubstantiated statement that the President is making a claim having to do with quid pro quo this witness has blown a big hole into that statement. The Ambassador put a dagger in the heart of Schiffs fairytale.' Rep. Lee Zeldin
Retweets: 16893
Favorites: 61739
October 04, 2019
'The witness was asked at least 20 times and there definitely was no Quid Pro Quo.' @RepMarkMeadows @FoxNews Their whole case was built around this now they no longer mention!
Retweets: 15404
Favorites: 55841
October 04, 2019
'I think it's outrages that a Whistleblower is a CIA Agent.' Ed Rollins @FoxNews
Retweets: 19830
Favorites: 77372
October 04, 2019
WOW this is big stuff!
Retweets: 16163
Favorites: 53536
October 04, 2019
RT @WhiteHouse: LIVE: POTUS at the Young Black Leadership Summit
Retweets: 12229
Favorites: 0
October 04, 2019
RT @SecAzar: Thanks to US leadership under @POTUS vaccines & therapeutics are saving lives and helping those affected by the #Ebola outbre'
Retweets: 5719
Favorites: 0
October 04, 2019
Under my Administration Medicare Advantage premiums next year will be their lowest in the last 13 years. We are providing GREAT healthcare to our Seniors. We cannot let the radical socialists take that away through Medicare for All!
Retweets: 16236
Favorites: 60078
October 04, 2019
At the request of @SenThomTillis I have declared a major disaster for the Great State of North Carolina to help with damages from Hurricane Dorian. Assistance now unlocked to recover stronger than ever! Thom loves N.C. and so do I!
Retweets: 9042
Favorites: 39713
October 04, 2019
I have just officially nominated Poland for entry into the Visa Waiver Program. With this decades long-awaited announcement we are in the final steps of the process which when complete would grant Polish nationals visa-free business and tourism travel to the U.S. & vice versa.
Retweets: 23398
Favorites: 99538
October 04, 2019
Retweets: 13836
Favorites: 43386
October 04, 2019
'When your making an unsubstantiated charge that the President of the United States is making a request having to do with quid pro quo this witness has blown a big hole into that statement.The Ambassador put a dagger in the heart of Schiffs fairytale.' Rep. Lee Zeldin @FoxNews
Retweets: 13535
Favorites: 49484
October 04, 2019
Retweets: 46057
Favorites: 141655
October 04, 2019
'Adam Schiff's connection to the Whistleblower is coming to light.' @FoxNews These facts and others make it impossible for the ridiculous impeachment 'scam' to go forward! Schiff has also committed a crime perhaps treason in making up a horrible statement and reading....
Retweets: 19142
Favorites: 75120
October 04, 2019
22:27:19 to Congress and the American people as though it was the statement of the President of the United States me. He did it to fool Congress and the public in order to make me look BAD. He is a sick puppy!
Retweets: 14554
Favorites: 62798
October 04, 2019
My daughter Ivanka will be on @trish_regan tonight on @FoxBusiness at 8:00 P.M. following the great @LouDobbs at 7:00. Enjoy!
Retweets: 7062
Favorites: 34131
"Retweets" and "Favorites" data as of March 31, 2020

Donald J. Trump (1st Term), Tweets of October 4, 2019 Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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