Photo of Donald Trump

Tweets of September 13, 2019

September 13, 2019
Donald Trump (@realDonaldTrump) tweeted 16 times on September 13, 2019
Created: Tweets:
September 13, 2019
RT @RepRatcliffe: If reports are accurate that the DOJ is recommending charges against former FBI Deputy Director Andy McCabe I'm not surp'
Retweets: 9791
Favorites: 0
September 13, 2019
RT @Jim_Jordan: Comey:-Opened Trump-Russia investigation-Put Peter 'we'll stop Trump' Strzok in charge-Allowed Dossier to be used-Leake'
Retweets: 17532
Favorites: 0
September 13, 2019
RT @Jim_Jordan: Looks like we might be getting accountability for the Comey Cabal.
Retweets: 15678
Favorites: 0
September 13, 2019
RT @Trump: Proud to announce that @TrumpNewYork has just been named the #1 'Best Hotel in the World!" Congratulations to our remarkable tea'
Retweets: 8204
Favorites: 0
September 13, 2019
RT @KellyannePolls: Wow.
Retweets: 9157
Favorites: 0
September 13, 2019
RT @VP: Even the Washington Post the Democrats favorite newspaper supports passage of the #USMCA. Congress should pass it this fall and g'
Retweets: 10578
Favorites: 0
September 13, 2019
RT @Jim_Jordan: Democrats on the House Judiciary Committee:-First voted to take away Americans' firearms-Then voted to impeach the guy w'
Retweets: 35173
Favorites: 0
September 13, 2019
How do you impeach a President who has helped create perhaps the greatest economy in the history of our Country? All time best unemployment numbers especially for Blacks Hispanics Asians & Women. More people working today than ever before. Rebuilt Military & Choice for Vets...
Retweets: 24286
Favorites: 109714
September 13, 2019
....Became Number 1 in World & Independent in Energy. Will soon have record number of Judges 2 SC Justices. Done more than any President in first 2 1/2 years despite phony & fraudulent Witch Hunt illegally led against him. WIN on Mueller Report Mueller Testimony & James Comey..
Retweets: 13781
Favorites: 64933
September 13, 2019
....IG Report which showed him to be a Disgraced & Dirty Cop. Republicans have unified like never before. You don't impeach Presidents for doing a good (great!) job. No Obstruction No Collusion only treasonous crimes committed by the other side and led by the Democrats. Sad!
Retweets: 14894
Favorites: 65956
September 13, 2019
Illegal Immigration costs the USA over 300 Billion Dollars a year. There is no reason for this and things are being set in motion to have this number come WAY DOWN. Democrats could end Loopholes and it would be a whole lot easier and faster. But it will all happen anyway!....
Retweets: 18649
Favorites: 75708
September 13, 2019
....VERY stupidly negotiated Trade Deals and Illegal Immigration are a tremendous cost and burden to our Country. They are BOTH coming along very well and someday in the not too distant future America will see a very positive change. Remember America First!
Retweets: 12703
Favorites: 55611
September 13, 2019
The two big Congressional wins in North Carolina on Tuesday Dan Bishop and Greg Murphy have reverberated all over the World. They showed a lot of people how strong the Republican Party is and how well it is doing. 2020 is a big and very important Election. We will WIN!
Retweets: 19409
Favorites: 82452
September 13, 2019
Historic Milestone indeed!
Retweets: 15260
Favorites: 57285
September 13, 2019
Great news about the work we are doing on illegal immigration!
Retweets: 14797
Favorites: 59806
September 13, 2019
While I like the Vaping alternative to Cigarettes we need to make sure this alternative is SAFE for ALL! Let's get counterfeits off the market and keep young children from Vaping!
Retweets: 24382
Favorites: 135817
"Retweets" and "Favorites" data as of March 31, 2020

Donald J. Trump (1st Term), Tweets of September 13, 2019 Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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