September 22, 2015
Created: | Tweets: |
September 22, 2015 00:49:48 |
.@oreillyfactor was very negative to me in refusing to to post the great polls that came out today including NBC. @FoxNews not good for me! Retweets: 1183 Favorites: 2614 |
September 22, 2015 00:55:55 |
.@oreillyfactor, why don't you have some knowledgeable talking heads on your show for a change instead of the same old Trump haters. Boring! Retweets: 1281 Favorites: 3330 |
September 22, 2015 00:57:26 |
@RagingCynicism: @realDonaldTrump @oreillyfactor they're not Trump haters. They're spoon fed morons. Retweets: 465 Favorites: 1395 |
September 22, 2015 00:58:18 |
@Patrick92299179: @realDonaldTrump @oreillyfactor Couldn't agree more! Retweets: 248 Favorites: 885 |
September 22, 2015 00:59:44 |
@bewhatjesuswas: @oreillyfactor @FoxNews You dominate not because of them-but despite them;They need you more than you need them Retweets: 434 Favorites: 1351 |
September 22, 2015 01:01:26 |
@coolgirl6978: @oreillyfactor @FoxNews this is bull fox. O'Reilly, I expect better from you. What is going on? Fair and balanced my ass Retweets: 978 Favorites: 1885 |
September 22, 2015 01:01:44 |
@tammyhorne19: @realDonaldTrump @oreillyfactor love you trump Retweets: 613 Favorites: 1229 |
September 22, 2015 01:04:26 |
@blewthebigone: @realDonaldTrump Can't even think what the race would be without you in it. Retweets: 657 Favorites: 1625 |
September 22, 2015 01:04:53 |
@Rbbrkhd: @realDonaldTrump @oreillyfactor @FoxNews The way you have treated @realDonaldTrump is totally unacceptable...CNN has been fair Retweets: 831 Favorites: 1640 |
September 22, 2015 01:44:01 |
@diannrr: @megynkelly Do you dream about @realDonaldTrump? He's in your head. Let it go. She is the worst - all anti-Trump! Terrible show. Retweets: 880 Favorites: 1713 |
September 22, 2015 02:00:26 |
I am having a really hard time watching @FoxNews. Retweets: 2884 Favorites: 5576 |
September 22, 2015 02:22:27 |
.@RichLowry is truly one of the dumbest of the talking heads - he doesn't have a clue! Retweets: 897 Favorites: 1890 |
September 22, 2015 02:24:01 |
@ellenEspence: @marklevinshow Thank you for maintaining your integrity during this disgusting lynching of @realDonaldTrump Thanks Mark! Retweets: 879 Favorites: 1639 |
September 22, 2015 02:24:19 |
@waynearmstron10: @realDonaldTrump you must be relentless and maintain energy, and respond as you have been. It's a marathon. True. Retweets: 769 Favorites: 1567 |
September 22, 2015 02:26:39 |
@PhyllisA: @Hopeisalive66 @jdanielmoore @theblaze @megynkelly @realDonaldTrump that's ok! The more they talk the better POTUS Trump looks! Retweets: 730 Favorites: 1534 |
September 22, 2015 02:27:43 |
@joeoh89: @seanhannity @realDonaldTrump What happened to The Pledge? Walker quits and slams Trump. Losers proving Pledge was sham. Retweets: 1555 Favorites: 2498 |
September 22, 2015 02:28:52 |
@TheMindWave: @FoxNews Im not sure why u r giving them this much importance, they had wanted to take u down in debate and they failed!! Retweets: 684 Favorites: 1468 |
September 22, 2015 02:30:02 |
@seleti00: @realDonaldTrump @FoxNews They attack you more then CNN or MSNBC combined. Just a bunch of old Bush appointee Rhinos. Retweets: 989 Favorites: 1888 |
September 22, 2015 02:30:50 |
@madscape: @realDonaldTrump @FoxNews and millions will agree with you! Most of us on twitter now view OAN network Retweets: 827 Favorites: 1438 |
September 22, 2015 02:32:36 |
@ethansimmons111: @AllRepublicans @Ecsullie @RagingCynicism @FoxNews @oreillyfactor @KarlRove Karl Rove is a JOKE OWNED BY the BUSH family Retweets: 1034 Favorites: 1909 |
September 22, 2015 02:33:40 |
@JodiL792: @FoxNews I have been since you started running & I noticed Meghan Kelly's attacks. Stopped watching. Only Hannity 4 sure. Yes! Retweets: 921 Favorites: 1971 |
September 22, 2015 02:34:14 |
@AngelaTribble: @realDonaldTrump WE LOVE YOU DONALD TRUMP BECAUSE WE KNOW YOU ARE THE ONLY ONE TO #MakeAmericaGreatAgain Thanks. Retweets: 1121 Favorites: 2430 |
September 22, 2015 02:34:51 |
@wallen_jeanine: @realDonaldTrump I can only watch Hannity. I think he is the only one in your corner Retweets: 1001 Favorites: 2188 |
September 22, 2015 12:09:59 |
@bobby990r_1: @MediaBiasAlert @megynkelly @realDonaldTrump is fighting for middle class and veterans! Discussing trade deals. Retweets: 793 Favorites: 1413 |
September 22, 2015 12:12:50 |
@JimClarkFarrier: @Rockprincess818 @LeahR77 @realDonaldTrump is the only one who can get us out of this mess! True! Retweets: 802 Favorites: 1598 |
September 22, 2015 12:14:01 |
@MiriamRoseMc: #TRUMp2016 would be the best for the country, jobs, trade and taxes - all others are status quo #MakeAmericaGreatAgain Retweets: 852 Favorites: 1693 |
September 22, 2015 12:14:38 |
@IgnatiusGReilly: @charlescwcooke @realDonaldTrump @FoxNews will you cry when Marco Amnesty loses nomination? Retweets: 785 Favorites: 1304 |
September 22, 2015 12:15:21 |
@BradANGSA: Trump is the only candidate telling the truth... the GOP is planning to stab Trump in the back... Retweets: 1200 Favorites: 2002 |
September 22, 2015 12:17:51 |
@HuskerPower811: @celestefick @realDonaldTrump Have you listened to his plans for Vets when he takes office? They're Incredible!! Retweets: 926 Favorites: 1711 |
September 22, 2015 12:18:21 |
@JimShellenback: @realDonaldTrump @EdwardChelednik @FoxNews I steer away from Fox now. Never thought that would happen. Retweets: 1185 Favorites: 2311 |
September 22, 2015 12:59:53 |
2016 Republican Primary Morning Consult Poll was just released. TRUMP 32, CARSON 12, BUSH 11, FIORINA 6, RUBIO 5, CRUZ 5. Taken after debate Retweets: 3027 Favorites: 5510 |
September 22, 2015 13:58:42 |
Morning Consult poll: "Trump Leads" Retweets: 1441 Favorites: 2791 |
September 22, 2015 20:48:55 |
Yom Kippur blessings to all of my friends in Israel and around the world. #YomKippur Retweets: 2579 Favorites: 5234 |
September 22, 2015 22:31:52 |
I will be on the @colbertlateshow tonight at 11:30 Retweets: 1825 Favorites: 3914 |
"Retweets" and "Favorites" data as of July 20, 2020 |
Donald J. Trump (1st Term), Tweets of September 22, 2015 Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project