Photo of Donald Trump

Tweets of September 22, 2015

September 22, 2015
Donald Trump tweeted 34 times on September 22, 2015
Created: Tweets:
September 22, 2015
.@oreillyfactor was very negative to me in refusing to to post the great polls that came out today including NBC. @FoxNews not good for me!
Retweets: 1183
Favorites: 2614
September 22, 2015
.@oreillyfactor, why don't you have some knowledgeable talking heads on your show for a change instead of the same old Trump haters. Boring!
Retweets: 1281
Favorites: 3330
September 22, 2015
@RagingCynicism: @realDonaldTrump @oreillyfactor they're not Trump haters. They're spoon fed morons.
Retweets: 465
Favorites: 1395
September 22, 2015
@Patrick92299179: @realDonaldTrump @oreillyfactor Couldn't agree more!
Retweets: 248
Favorites: 885
September 22, 2015
@bewhatjesuswas: @oreillyfactor @FoxNews You dominate not because of them-but despite them;They need you more than you need them
Retweets: 434
Favorites: 1351
September 22, 2015
@coolgirl6978: @oreillyfactor @FoxNews this is bull fox. O'Reilly, I expect better from you. What is going on? Fair and balanced my ass
Retweets: 978
Favorites: 1885
September 22, 2015
@tammyhorne19: @realDonaldTrump @oreillyfactor love you trump
Retweets: 613
Favorites: 1229
September 22, 2015
@blewthebigone: @realDonaldTrump Can't even think what the race would be without you in it.
Retweets: 657
Favorites: 1625
September 22, 2015
@Rbbrkhd: @realDonaldTrump @oreillyfactor @FoxNews The way you have treated @realDonaldTrump is totally unacceptable...CNN has been fair
Retweets: 831
Favorites: 1640
September 22, 2015
@diannrr: @megynkelly Do you dream about @realDonaldTrump? He's in your head. Let it go. She is the worst - all anti-Trump! Terrible show.
Retweets: 880
Favorites: 1713
September 22, 2015
I am having a really hard time watching @FoxNews.
Retweets: 2884
Favorites: 5576
September 22, 2015
.@RichLowry is truly one of the dumbest of the talking heads - he doesn't have a clue!
Retweets: 897
Favorites: 1890
September 22, 2015
@ellenEspence: @marklevinshow Thank you for maintaining your integrity during this disgusting lynching of @realDonaldTrump Thanks Mark!
Retweets: 879
Favorites: 1639
September 22, 2015
@waynearmstron10: @realDonaldTrump you must be relentless and maintain energy, and respond as you have been. It's a marathon. True.
Retweets: 769
Favorites: 1567
September 22, 2015
@PhyllisA: @Hopeisalive66 @jdanielmoore @theblaze @megynkelly @realDonaldTrump that's ok! The more they talk the better POTUS Trump looks!
Retweets: 730
Favorites: 1534
September 22, 2015
@joeoh89: @seanhannity @realDonaldTrump What happened to The Pledge? Walker quits and slams Trump. Losers proving Pledge was sham.
Retweets: 1555
Favorites: 2498
September 22, 2015
@TheMindWave: @FoxNews Im not sure why u r giving them this much importance, they had wanted to take u down in debate and they failed!!
Retweets: 684
Favorites: 1468
September 22, 2015
@seleti00: @realDonaldTrump @FoxNews They attack you more then CNN or MSNBC combined. Just a bunch of old Bush appointee Rhinos.
Retweets: 989
Favorites: 1888
September 22, 2015
@madscape: @realDonaldTrump @FoxNews and millions will agree with you! Most of us on twitter now view OAN network
Retweets: 827
Favorites: 1438
September 22, 2015
@ethansimmons111: @AllRepublicans @Ecsullie @RagingCynicism @FoxNews @oreillyfactor @KarlRove Karl Rove is a JOKE OWNED BY the BUSH family
Retweets: 1034
Favorites: 1909
September 22, 2015
@JodiL792: @FoxNews I have been since you started running & I noticed Meghan Kelly's attacks. Stopped watching. Only Hannity 4 sure. Yes!
Retweets: 921
Favorites: 1971
September 22, 2015
@AngelaTribble: @realDonaldTrump WE LOVE YOU DONALD TRUMP BECAUSE WE KNOW YOU ARE THE ONLY ONE TO #MakeAmericaGreatAgain Thanks.
Retweets: 1121
Favorites: 2430
September 22, 2015
@wallen_jeanine: @realDonaldTrump I can only watch Hannity. I think he is the only one in your corner
Retweets: 1001
Favorites: 2188
September 22, 2015
@bobby990r_1: @MediaBiasAlert @megynkelly @realDonaldTrump is fighting for middle class and veterans! Discussing trade deals.
Retweets: 793
Favorites: 1413
September 22, 2015
@JimClarkFarrier: @Rockprincess818 @LeahR77 @realDonaldTrump is the only one who can get us out of this mess! True!
Retweets: 802
Favorites: 1598
September 22, 2015
@MiriamRoseMc: #TRUMp2016 would be the best for the country, jobs, trade and taxes - all others are status quo #MakeAmericaGreatAgain
Retweets: 852
Favorites: 1693
September 22, 2015
@IgnatiusGReilly: @charlescwcooke @realDonaldTrump @FoxNews will you cry when Marco Amnesty loses nomination?
Retweets: 785
Favorites: 1304
September 22, 2015
@BradANGSA: Trump is the only candidate telling the truth... the GOP is planning to stab Trump in the back...
Retweets: 1200
Favorites: 2002
September 22, 2015
@HuskerPower811: @celestefick @realDonaldTrump Have you listened to his plans for Vets when he takes office? They're Incredible!!
Retweets: 926
Favorites: 1711
September 22, 2015
@JimShellenback: @realDonaldTrump @EdwardChelednik @FoxNews I steer away from Fox now. Never thought that would happen.
Retweets: 1185
Favorites: 2311
September 22, 2015
2016 Republican Primary Morning Consult Poll was just released. TRUMP 32, CARSON 12, BUSH 11, FIORINA 6, RUBIO 5, CRUZ 5. Taken after debate
Retweets: 3027
Favorites: 5510
September 22, 2015
Morning Consult poll: "Trump Leads"
Retweets: 1441
Favorites: 2791
September 22, 2015
Yom Kippur blessings to all of my friends in Israel and around the world. #YomKippur
Retweets: 2579
Favorites: 5234
September 22, 2015
I will be on the @colbertlateshow tonight at 11:30
Retweets: 1825
Favorites: 3914
"Retweets" and "Favorites" data as of July 20, 2020

Donald J. Trump (1st Term), Tweets of September 22, 2015 Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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