Jimmy Carter photo

United States Air Force Academy Appointment of Two Members of the Board of Visitors.

April 22, 1980

The President today announced that he has appointed two persons to be members of the Board of Visitors of the United States Military Academy, for terms expiring December 31, 1982. They are: William Park Lemmond, Jr., of Prince George, Va., an attorney in private practice and military aide de camp to the Governor of Virginia; and Harry W. Low, of San Francisco, a judge of the Superior Court of California.

Lemmond will replace Douglas P. Bennett, whose term has expired, and Low will replace Robert Kaufman, whose term has expired.

Jimmy Carter, United States Air Force Academy Appointment of Two Members of the Board of Visitors. Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/249674

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